Subtle Vignette with GIMP-2.9.6

I can’t get the Subtle Vignette script (subtle-vignette_0.scm) to work with GIMP-2.9.6.
Is there a new version for GIMP-2.9.6?

As a work-around, you can hit the / key, which should bring up a search dialog, then type vign and you should see the new GEGL vignette filter.

Thanks for the suggestion, @paperdigits.
I did try that one before, and I get a line of light on the corners (vignette shape square) take a look at the image I include.

And in the one that comes with G’MIC (frames-vignette) I can’t control X and Y :frowning:

That is interesting, I usually apply the GEGL to a transparent layer, set the layer mode to lightness, and some low opacity; I’ve never seen that artifact.

Can you reproduce it reliably? What does it look like if you put a white layer below it?

This is what I get. Without those light lines coming from the corners it would be perfect:

Change the vignette shape (first drop down in the vignette filter) from square to something else.

I have done that, from Circle to Square, but as soon as I change the shape to Square I get the ugly artifact or light lines coming from all four corners.
I am interested in the square vignette.

Does the script fail with a particular error message? Gimp script is a lisp dialect, so the source is very easy to read.

Yes, I do get an error message. I tried to change the code but no luck. I’m not too familiar with Gimp’s Lisp.
The script’s source code is here:

The error message:


@dngimage I am sure the folks familiar with G’MIC (@David_Tschumperle) or ImageMagick (@snibgo) can help you with vignetting.

Try the attached file:

subtle-vignette_2018-01-02_ms.scm (5.1 KB)

@afre, thanks for the suggestion.

@paperdigits, I get this error:

The G Vignette… that comes wih Gimp is ideal.
You get more controls (X, Y and so on), except for the artifact or light lines that come from all four corners.

The artifacts look bad on blue skies. They can be tamed by setting a bigger radius. The artifacts are more noticeable when using a smaller radius.
Too bad that’s the way it works if you use a smaller radius, it should not work that way.
I will use it only with a big radius.
Thanks all for taking a look!

There is a choice, fix the script. I do not have any scripting skills but it is still sometimes relatively easy

Fixed, remember to unzip it

A more universal way which glosses over the many scripts and plugins that contain deprecated procedures.

Run Gimp 2.9.x with the switch --pdb-compat-mode=on

In Windows add it to the launcher after the quotes something like this screenshot.

the message you are getting is a warning as it says, and not an error. Everything should work as it did before until sometime in the future they remove the old procedure.

The “light lines” are optical illusions (related to Mach bands). For example, the pixels on the top-left line are actually no lighter than pixels to the right or below. They just look lighter. It is caused by isolines (lines of constant lightness) having a sudden change of direction.

Illusion or not, the effect is annoying. It is reduced by blurring (so isolines are smoother). I prefer to generate vignetting with a gradient that has smooth isolines (eg ImageMagick “radial-gradient:”).

@dngimage First two links from a web search:

@paperdigits, thanks for the script.

@rich2005, thanks for fixing the script.

@Bilbo, thanks, yes it is a warning but it works.

@snibgo, true, illusion or not, the effect is annoying. Too bad, I like G Vignette since you get to control X and Y and other things too. Thanks.

@afre, I know how to do it, I just needed a script/plugin to do it faster with several images. Thanks.

Now I can’t get this one to work:

Not even with Gimp 2.9.x’s switch: --pdb-compat-mode=on

I wrote a quick simple G’MIC filter. I may add to it later. You may try it out by creating a user.gmic file and placing it in the correct directory:

At startup, G’MIC automatically includes user’s command file $HOME/.gmic (on Unix) or APPDATA/user.gmic (on Windows).

@David_Tschumperle Just added it to gmic-community for me! Just update your filters.

Edited: see date in screenshot.

#@gui Vigrect : fx_vigrect, fx_vigrect_preview(1)
#@gui : Size(%) = int(10,1,25)
#@gui : Blur(%) = int(10,5,20)
#@gui : Opacity = float(.75,.5,1)
#@gui : sep = separator(), note = note("Filter by <i>afre</i>. Latest update: <i>2017-01-05</i>.")
fx_vigrect :
  --to_gray -rectangle. {[$p,$p,w-$p,h-$p]}
  -f. i==0?0:ia#0 -b. {min(w,h)*$2/100} -*. $3 -- -c 0,255

fx_vigrect_preview :
  -fx_vigrect $*

If I change line 1:
#@gui Vigrect : vigrect, fx_vigrect_preview(1)
#@gui Vigrect : fx_vigrect, fx_vigrect_preview(1)
it works using the GIMP plugin.

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