Suggestions pour Art

J’utilise Art depuis mon passage à Linux.
J’ai plusieurs demandes pour le développeur de cet excellent logiciel mais je ne trouve pas son contact.

  1. Lorsque l’on fait une sélection par couleur dans les traitements locaux, il n’est pas possible de copier le masque et de le coller dans les réglages par pinceau. Donc il faudrait avoir la possibilité d’effacer des parties de la sélection dans la sélection par couleur pour ne garder que les parties que l’on veut modifier (ce serait plus simple que de faire une sélection directe au pinceau).
  2. Pouvoir imprimer directement à partir de Art avec prise en charge des profils icc si l’on n’a pas de correction supplémentaire à faire après traitement dans Art.
  3. La dernière version ne prend pas directement en charge l’hasselblad XD2 100. Il est nécessaire de convertir en dng pour traiter l’image.
  4. J’ai utilisé auparavant rawtherappe et il semble que la récupération des hautes lumières soit plus performante (propagation par couleur)
    A part cela merveilleux logiciel (j’utilisait auparavant capture one et viveza et même exposure sur mac) qu’Art remplace parfaitement (avec haldclut).

You are looking for @agriggio Alberto…

I would like to contact Alberto to ask him for positions in art

Bonjour elias,

D’abord, pour avoir plus des réponses, c’est plus pratique si on parle anglais.

Concerning your first point - if I understood you well - you can do that. Open a photo, go to Color similarity mask, pick a color and say Show mask.

Then copy that mask to the clipboard, activate the Brush mask and say Copy mask from clipboard. On the right of the brush settings, click on the button that says “Add the mask on top of other masks”.

Then activate the eraser and erase. You’ll see that the mask disappears where you erase it.

Point 2 would be very nice to have. But the thing is: ART is a raw convertor, not a printing application.

Point 4. I never noticed that but it’s certainly possible.

Bienvenu ici !

He will already see this and likely respond and or you can msg him… since I tagged him likely he will get a notification…

thank you very much for the help with the first point
that’s what I was looking for

best regards

(Disclaimer: I used deepl to translate to English, I hope it’s accurate…)

As @paulmatth wrote, you can use the brush mask in “add mode” to modify the other masks (including the colour similarity one). No need to copy anything from the clipboard, just switch to “add mode”. I’m on the phone now but if needed I can record a short video when I’m in front of my laptop.

The ability to print directly from Art with icc profile support, if no additional corrections are required after processing in Art.

This would be nice, but alas I don’t have a printer, so I can’t really work on this, sorry. I do print but I use online services for that (sometimes with mixed results, but that’s another story :slight_smile:

The latest version does not directly support hasselblad XD2 100, so you need to convert to dng to process the image.

Can you share a problematic raw file? Thanks!

I previously used rawtherappe and it seems that highlight recovery is more efficient (propagation by color).

Can you show an example? Indeed the colour propagation code in art is slightly different from that of RT, so if you have examples of regression I’m certainly interested in seeing them…


It’s in the LibRaw 202403 snapshot list, so should be able to add it. You have samples on RPU.

Ah great. But the latest binaries should already ship with that version of libraw (unless I messed something up) so maybe not all variants are supported yet?

Is it possible to replace libraw or should I wait for a new version of Art?
Another question: Is there a keyboard shortcut to show/hide the mask?

it’s a big one to send you a raw hasselblad (more than 200MB)

I’m going to look for an example of highlight recovery processed with rawtherapee and art?
How can I send it to you?

thank you for everything.

I’m not sure if the latest version of libraw is binary compatible with previous versions. You should probably build again. I realized you are using a mac, so let’s ask @HIRAM

Ctrl+M, but it only works if keyboard focus is on the mask panel, so it’s a bit unreliable unfortunately.

Ideally, you can share a raw file and the corresponding .pp3 and .arp sidecars that show the difference. You can either attach the files here or use a 3rd party service like google drive, dropbox or similar.

I no longer use a Mac. I am tired of their commercial policy.
I now have a PC with Linux Manjaro (cinnamon).

This is my problem printing with icc under linux. I find gimp too complicated like photoshop.
Do you know a simple program to print pictures with icc profiles (screen and printer) in linux?
I would like someone to develop software like Pixelmator on Mac or even like LivePicture which existed on Mac OS9. I regret not knowing anything about computer development to be able to participate.

I don’t understand “keyboard focus is on the mask panel”
Is there a table with keyboard shortcuts for Art?

I am French.
If it is easier for you I can ask the questions in both languages

Ok. Then the latest linux64 binary should be able to decode the files. However, I’ve just tried and the black level is wrong. I will fix this in the next version.

Should work now with the current master (and the latest libraw snapshot)

Salut, what I do is to set the output profile in ART with the appropriate paper/ink/printer profile, then save that file as a tiff (jpg might do as well).

Then open it in gThumb and send it to your printer, again with the appropriate paper settings etc. Be sure to set color management to off.

My Epson printers with Linux do not propose that last option, so I’m obliged to print from Windows (but only when I’m embedding paper profiles).

Btw. Why do you find that printing from Gimp is complicated? It’s as straight forward as all other apps with a printing option. Both Gimp and gThumb offer about the same printing dialogue.

Thank you for your suggestions.
To assign an output profile, is it into the color settings preferences.
(in soft proofing).
If this setting is in color management, does it apply to all images saved in tiff?
My problem is that I have a dnp 820 (YMC) printer (there is no black). I created an ICC profile but it is still necessary to correct mainly the densities.
I tried printing with darktable (cups) and it works quite well.
I’m going to try with gThumb but there is no format (214*300mm). I need to see if I can create a custom format.
I don’t know if printing with gimp is complicated, but I find gimp complicated in general (too similar to photoshop). There are settings scattered all over the place. I don’t have months to train myself to use it correctly.
When I was on a Mac I had the same printing problems with capture one despite an icc profile created for the dnp 820).
On the other hand, there was efficient and easy-to-use software (pixelmator) for editing work and post-processing. I contacted the developer about a possible port to linux but he doesn’t seem interested and it seems that he uses specific mac routines.
Today I no longer want to be hostage to either Mac or Windows.
I find linux very good and art excellent (a real photographic development software) Rawtherapee, darktable and even ansel are too targeted at engineers and not photographers.
So I’m going to look for the best solutions to have everything that suits me under Linux.

Anyway thank you for your help.

for french users:
Merci pour vos suggestions.
Pour attribuer un profil de sortie, est-ce bien dans les préférences réglage couleur.
(dans epreuvage ecran).
Si ce reglage est dans la gestion de la colorimétrie s’applique-t-il a toutes les images enregistrées en tiff?
Mon problème est que j’ai une imprimante dnp 820 (YMC)(il n’y a pas de noir). j’ai crée un profil icc mais il faut malgré tout corriger principalement les densitées.
J’ai essayé d’imprimer avec darktable (cups) et cela fonctionne pas mal.
Je vais essayer avec gThumb mais il n’y a pas le format (214*300mm). Il faut que le vois si l’on peut créer un format personnalisé.
Je ne sais pas si l’impression avec gimp est compliquée, mais je trouve gimp compliqué de façon générale (trop semblable à photoshop). Il y a des réglages dispersés dans tous les sens. Je n’ai pas des mois pour me former à l’utiliser correctement.
Lorsque j’étais sous mac j’avais les mêmes problèmes d’impression avec capture one malgré un profil icc créer pour la dnp 820).
Par contre il y avait un logiciel performant et simple d’utilisation (pixelmator) pour le travail de montage et le post-traitement. J’ai contacté le développeur pour un portage éventuel sous linux mais il ne semble pas intéressé et il semble qu’il utilise des routines spécifiquement mac.
Aujourd’hui je ne veux plus être l’otage ni de mac ni de windows.
Je trouve linux très bien et art excellent (un vrai logiciel de développement photographique) Rawtherapee, darktable et même ansel sont trop ciblés ingénieurs et non photographes.
Je vais donc rechercher les meilleures solutions pour avoir tout ce qui me convient sous linux.

En tout cas merci pour votre aide.

Bonjour elias,
As far as I understand, the soft-proof setting will only show how your photo will look like when printed with the choosen paper profile. I never use this as the preview is inaccurate with matte papers (the image turns very washed-out).

What you have to do is to assign your DNP icc profile to the photo. That is done via the tab Couleur, then Gestion des couleurs (ICM) - Profile de sortie. There you choose the one you want to use. Save the file and the profile is embedded with the photo.

If you want to add your icc profile to several or many photos, you must first make a new profile.

Open a photo, assign the icc profile as described above, then save that profile : Profils de traitement - Enregistrer le profil actuel.

Give it a name like dnp820 for example.

Now, in the Navigateur de fichiers, select the photos you want to assign this profile to. Right-click and go to Operations sur les profil - Appliquer le profil - Mes profiles - dnp820 - and you’re done !

Now those photos contain the embedded icc profile.

Once again, here I can’t say to gThumb to not use any color profile, I suppose, but I’m not sure, that this has to do with my Epson drivers.

Btw. It’s easy to make custom paper sizes in gThumb. Open a photo, say Ctrl+P to print it, second tab Page settings, then Paper format > scroll down to Custom formats 1/2/3 and make a new format.


And Gimp complicated? For beginners yes, for sure !


Thank you for the information.
But I have a problem.
I had seen this setting in the color tab but I cannot find the icc profile in the list
while I installed it in the system and it appears in darktable and gimp.
Should it be placed in a special art folder?

I have another question regarding gimp.
There are two print menus:

  • print …
  • print with guntenprint
    Is there a difference between the two modes?


Sorry for the question,
I found where to place the icc profiles in art in the specific folder.

Hello elias,

It’s a good idea to start a new topic for this, because those printing options in Gimp have nothing to do with “Suggestions for ART”.