Sunset scene with darktable & rawtherapee

DSC08448.xmp (17.4 KB)


Because it’s a failure to provide a reasonable tool to convey your vision ?

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It’s good to have the option available, even if you choose not to exercise it every time.

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hmmm … the imagination and creativity is up to you.

for example, the picture by black_daveth exactly meets my taste, and that although there is hardly any shadow drawing (even if it is a bit too dark for me :-))

Anyway, the main thing is we have fun with it … :slight_smile:

I said :

“have to chose” means “forced to chose”. You do whatever you want, but that should be a true creative choice, not a forfeit to abide by your software’s limitations.

Personaly, a black blob with sharp railways is more distracting and odd to me than understanding what’s going on in there in a glance : you spend the whole time trying to figure out what’s there, rather than getting in the mood. I prefer to feel like I’m in the picture, maybe with a twist, but still with some connection to what my eyes would have seen on the spot.


DSC08448.jpg.pfi (41.2 KB)

I have a mac with a retina P3 display: macOS supports 10bit HDR on these displays (I think you may need Big Sur, but it might work in Catalina). It works seamlessly: HDR windows display highlights brighter than white in the rest of the UI. If I turn off the highlight rolloff and save the file as an EXR image, then the sunset looks amazing if you open the EXR in (also the train has bright red lights on it!).
The .exr is 33MB but if anyone is interested I could upload it. Hey @Carmelo_DrRaw, Photoflow does real HDR images! Unfortunately, it can’t display HDR (and last time I looked (which was a few years ago), GTK’s interface to Quartz was pretty broken - it just tags everything as sRGB).


wait…WHAT?! :scream:
this works? not only for HDR videos, but *.EXR files as well? OMFG!

@paulmiller *.exr and screenshots, or it didn’t happen! :wink:

Screenshots of HDR windows are tricky: firstly, command-shift-3 doesn’t work (it captures the screen to an 8 bit buffer and clips the >100% bits leaving ugly colour casts), secondly - how would you view it?
Here is a literal screenshot, I adjusted exposure so the highlights don’t clip. Exr is on the left, JPEG on the right.

The actual screen looks more impressive because it is much brighter.

Here is the .exr:
DSC08448.exr (32.1 MB)
DSC08448.exr.pfi (50.6 KB)

I do image white balancing in CAT16 space - this is the profile for that (zipped because I can’t upload .icc files (get a message about corrupted image files?). (737 Bytes)

You can get a similar effect by turning the display backlight up to full brightness, underexposing the image by a couple of stops and viewing it full screen (becuase otherwise any UI white is really bright) - but this is much more fun.


Thanks for posting,
DT 3.4

DSC08448.ARW.xmp (16.7 KB)


@paulmiller The screenshot is helpful. I can see more contrast and detail in the EXR.

DSC08448.ARW.xmp (darktable 2.6.2) (9.3 KB)


DT 3.4

DSC08448.ARW.xmp (15.5 KB)


I have been hesitant to tackle this one, but I finally decided to try on it.

dt 3.4.1

DSC08448.ARW.xmp (7.2 KB)


With Bladerunner 2049 palette…


You missed the tip of a branch. :wink:

DSC08448.ARW.xmp (53.1 KB)
Hope I did not ever did it, tryed to mimic the highlight processing set in the example and did it to my taste after that, nice pic !




Shameless haloing. I kind of like that. :stuck_out_tongue:

DT3.4 scene-referred

Sunset.ARW.xmp (18.3 KB)