One of my favourite “features” of this forum are the Play Raws, so I’ve finally decided to share one of my own.
This was taken with my D700 in 2016, and was originally edited in Lightroom. I’ve actually revisited it several times with different tools and its part of the reason I settled on darktable in the open source world of image editing.
Here I present my original Lightroom edit, as well as another new darktable interpretation from this morning. I’m afraid the xmp may not be all that useful without the LUTs I’ve been using, but basically the idea is use the lut3D and colour balance modules to mimic my established video workflow in Resolve. Questions about this are more than welcome of course.
This does line up with my thoughts that most of the edits here (including my own dt edit) are a tad(?) too green/saturated and what gave me the idea to try an autumn look.