The tree leaves in backyard park is getting really red so went out and took some pictures.
Trouble is I can’t get a satisfying color grading with DT. DSC07054.ARW (24.1 MB) DSC07054.ARW.xmp (6.0 KB)
To put it in perspective, here’s the preview jpg extracted from raw file, which looks closer to real life:
No color grading just some exposure and tone eq…maybe making it lighter than when you took the shot…but this was much like when I went for a walk here in Southern Ontario today near the campus… a sort of orange red…with the sunlight…
Personally, this is why I no longer use the filmic module. Okay, it’s subjective…
I find that sigmoid respects colors better from the start. For this beautiful shot, I used the “smooth” preset by increasing the contrast a little, it highlights the red colors of autumn while preserving a natural sky.
Its a very good option to use but there are photos where filmic can look better so its just a matter of getting to know the performance of both… If say as I do you use filmic v5 with no color preservation and adjust the curve shoulders trying either the default settings at hard or move them to safe then you can really configure/tune that version of filmic with the latitude, the look curve to tweak color, and often bump the contrast as you won’t go quickly to being clipped when it is on safe vs hard…