Still can’t quite make yarn, yet, so why not twine/rattan/wicker. lolol
Still can’t quite make yarn, yet, so why not twine/rattan/wicker. lolol
Click below for bonus render.
for the curious, this is the reference image.
The shell has some great lines in it!
Used Rodilius to get the longer lines. I wish I can say there’s now just one flow to render these, but there’s only a loose guide based on my ribbon cable binge. Every render I do uses various blends and techniques (nuance) that make it impossible to share a flow. Some things I just have to say are a company secret. lololol
I can say that without G’MIC, these renders would not exist. G’MIC’s the bomb.
Sort of reminds me of a brain.
Better your brain than mine, afre. lolol
Organic Growth Weave
Still experimenting; added Isophotes to the mix.
Thank you for sharing the techniques of your creations.
Here is the small G’MIC filter created from your tutorial ‘WickerTute.pdf’.
You can save as user.gmic
## ##
## Lylejk_Wicker ##
## ##
# from WickerTute.pdf by Lyle Kroll
#@gui Lylejk_Wicker : Lylejk_Wicker , Lylejk_Wicker (1)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Rodilius</u></b></span>")
#@gui : Amplitude = float(10,0,30)
#@gui : Thickness = float(10,0,100)
#@gui : Sharpness = float(153,0,1000)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Fake Smudge</u></b></span>")
#@gui : Amplitude = float(150,0,1000)
#@gui : Sharpness = float(0.42,0,2)
#@gui : Anisotropy = float(0.85,0,1)
#@gui : Gradient smoothness = float(0.6,0,10)
#@gui : Tensor smoothness = float(7.83,0,10)
#@gui : Spatial precision = float(0.68,0.1,2)
#@gui : Angular precision = float(19,1,180)
#@gui : Value precision = float(2.64,0.1,5)
#@gui : Interpolation = choice(0,"Nearest neighbor","Linear","Runge-Kutta")
#@gui : Fast approximation = bool(1)
#@gui : Iterations = int(1,1,10)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Gradient Norm 1</u></b></span>")
#@gui : Smoothness = float(0,0,10)
#@gui : Linearity = float(0.5,0,1.5)
#@gui : Min threshold = float(10.5,0,100)
#@gui : Max threshold = float(100,0,100)
#@gui : Negative colors = bool(0)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Gradient Norm 2</u></b></span>")
#@gui : Smoothness = float(0,0,10)
#@gui : Linearity = float(0.5,0,1.5)
#@gui : Min threshold = float(10.5,0,100)
#@gui : Max threshold = float(100,0,100)
#@gui : Negative colors = bool(0)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Upscale [dcci2x] by Garagecoder</u></b></span>")
#@gui : Threshold = float(1.15,1,2)
#@gui : Exponent = int(5,1,6)
#@gui : Extend 1px = _bool(1)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Gradient Norm 3</u></b></span>")
#@gui : Smoothness = float(0.68,0,10)
#@gui : Linearity = float(0.5,0,1.5)
#@gui : Min threshold = float(10.5,0,100)
#@gui : Max threshold = float(100,0,100)
#@gui : Negative colors = bool(0)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Option</u></b></span>")
#@gui : sep = separator(), note = note("<small>Lyle Kroll - Last update : <i>2018/04/01</i>.</small>")
Lylejk_Wicker :
-rodilius[-1] $1,$2,$3,5,30,1
-smooth[-1] 10,0,1,1,1,0.8,45
-sharpen[-1] 30
-c[-1] 0,255
-repeat $14
-smooth[-1] $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13
-blur $15
-gradient_norm[-1] ^ $16
c[-1] $17%,$18%
-if $19
-n[-1] 0,255
-blur $20
-gradient_norm[-1] ^ $21
c[-1] $22%,$23%
-if $24
-n[-1] 0,255
#Upscale [dcci2x] by Garagecode
split_opacity scale_dcci2x ${25-27} a c c 0,255
-blur $28
-gradient_norm[-1] ^ $29
c[-1] $30%,$31%
-if $32
-n[-1] 0,255
## ##
## END Lylejk_Wicker ##
## ##
Sorry for the belated reply, samj; just got back from work 30 minutes ago (work weekend swings). Anyway, I tried to save your file as user.gmic and placed the file in my roaming>gmic folder but G’MIC doesn’t see the preset. Oh well.
samj’s preset works when you place it in user.gmic of the portable 2.10rc1 samj’s version
Saw your post at GIMPChat and replied. Have not installed 2.10 yet; may do so when it’s 2.10.2. lol
Thanks, samj; preset works, but I see no problem putting this under your samj folder since you did the impressive work of coding my madness (no easy fete). lololol
Results directly from the preset only (with a few slider changes). Impressive. Again, thanks a heap.
As a side note, I found that using stencil (low radius) instead of lylejk’s stencil and then follow that by anisotrophic smoothing (fake smudge) gives better results.
OK, here’s one that I first pre-rendered using Stencil (around 1 for radius) followed by anisotrophic smoothing. I then fed that result into your preset, samj.
You know I like to asketh for too mucheth, samj. lolol
Regardless, your preset will save me a heck of a lot of time now. Again, thanks a heap.
You can update G’MIC.
The ‘Lylejk stencil’ option is added at the end of the filter parameters.
Filters in your ‘Testing’ folder are on two files :
Appreciate the continued updates, samj. A bit tired (5.4 mile walk and also cut the grass (well do have a riding mower, but still I have to push to trim; lol). Will play later.