Twined/rattan/wicker Shell.

Still can’t quite make yarn, yet, so why not twine/rattan/wicker. lolol


hirez: All sizes | Twined Shell | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

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Click below for bonus render.

for the curious, this is the reference image. :slight_smile:

The shell has some great lines in it!

Used Rodilius to get the longer lines. I wish I can say there’s now just one flow to render these, but there’s only a loose guide based on my ribbon cable binge. Every render I do uses various blends and techniques (nuance) that make it impossible to share a flow. Some things I just have to say are a company secret. lololol

I can say that without G’MIC, these renders would not exist. G’MIC’s the bomb. :slight_smile:

Sort of reminds me of a brain.

Better your brain than mine, afre. lolol


Organic Growth Weave

Still experimenting; added Isophotes to the mix. :slight_smile:




Thank you for sharing the techniques of your creations.
Here is the small G’MIC filter created from your tutorial ‘WickerTute.pdf’.
You can save as user.gmic


##                                             ##
##                Lylejk_Wicker                ##
##                                             ##

# from WickerTute.pdf by Lyle Kroll
#@gui Lylejk_Wicker  : Lylejk_Wicker , Lylejk_Wicker (1)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Rodilius</u></b></span>")
#@gui : Amplitude = float(10,0,30)
#@gui : Thickness = float(10,0,100)
#@gui : Sharpness = float(153,0,1000)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Fake Smudge</u></b></span>")
#@gui : Amplitude = float(150,0,1000)
#@gui : Sharpness = float(0.42,0,2)
#@gui : Anisotropy = float(0.85,0,1)
#@gui : Gradient smoothness = float(0.6,0,10)
#@gui : Tensor smoothness = float(7.83,0,10)
#@gui : Spatial precision = float(0.68,0.1,2)
#@gui : Angular precision = float(19,1,180)
#@gui : Value precision = float(2.64,0.1,5)
#@gui : Interpolation = choice(0,"Nearest neighbor","Linear","Runge-Kutta")
#@gui : Fast approximation = bool(1)
#@gui : Iterations = int(1,1,10)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Gradient Norm 1</u></b></span>")
#@gui : Smoothness = float(0,0,10)
#@gui : Linearity = float(0.5,0,1.5)
#@gui : Min threshold = float(10.5,0,100)
#@gui : Max threshold = float(100,0,100)
#@gui : Negative colors = bool(0)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Gradient Norm 2</u></b></span>")
#@gui : Smoothness = float(0,0,10)
#@gui : Linearity = float(0.5,0,1.5)
#@gui : Min threshold = float(10.5,0,100)
#@gui : Max threshold = float(100,0,100)
#@gui : Negative colors = bool(0)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Upscale [dcci2x] by Garagecoder</u></b></span>")
#@gui : Threshold = float(1.15,1,2)
#@gui : Exponent = int(5,1,6)
#@gui : Extend 1px = _bool(1)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Gradient Norm 3</u></b></span>")
#@gui : Smoothness = float(0.68,0,10)
#@gui : Linearity = float(0.5,0,1.5)
#@gui : Min threshold = float(10.5,0,100)
#@gui : Max threshold = float(100,0,100)
#@gui : Negative colors = bool(0)
#@gui : note = note("<span foreground="orangered"><b><u>Option</u></b></span>")
#@gui : sep = separator(), note = note("<small>Lyle Kroll - Last update : <i>2018/04/01</i>.</small>")

Lylejk_Wicker :

	-rodilius[-1] $1,$2,$3,5,30,1
	-smooth[-1] 10,0,1,1,1,0.8,45 
	-sharpen[-1] 30
	-c[-1] 0,255

	-repeat $14
		-smooth[-1] $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13

	-blur $15 
	-gradient_norm[-1] ^ $16
	c[-1] $17%,$18%
	-if $19 
	-n[-1] 0,255

	-blur $20 
	-gradient_norm[-1] ^ $21
	c[-1] $22%,$23%
	-if $24
	-n[-1] 0,255

	#Upscale [dcci2x] by Garagecode
	split_opacity scale_dcci2x ${25-27} a c c 0,255

	-blur $28 
	-gradient_norm[-1] ^ $29
	c[-1] $30%,$31%
	-if $32
	-n[-1] 0,255

##                                             ##
##             END Lylejk_Wicker               ##
##                                             ##
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Thank you @lylejk and @samj, very nice.

Sorry for the belated reply, samj; just got back from work 30 minutes ago (work weekend swings). Anyway, I tried to save your file as user.gmic and placed the file in my roaming>gmic folder but G’MIC doesn’t see the preset. Oh well. :slight_smile:

samj’s preset works when you place it in user.gmic of the portable 2.10rc1 samj’s version

Saw your post at GIMPChat and replied. Have not installed 2.10 yet; may do so when it’s 2.10.2. lol




You can update G’MIC, I added this filter in your ‘Testing’ folder.


Thanks, samj; preset works, but I see no problem putting this under your samj folder since you did the impressive work of coding my madness (no easy fete). lololol

Results directly from the preset only (with a few slider changes). Impressive. Again, thanks a heap. :slight_smile:

As a side note, I found that using stencil (low radius) instead of lylejk’s stencil and then follow that by anisotrophic smoothing (fake smudge) gives better results. :slight_smile:

OK, here’s one that I first pre-rendered using Stencil (around 1 for radius) followed by anisotrophic smoothing. I then fed that result into your preset, samj.



It is always possible to add and modify this filter if you wish.


You know I like to asketh for too mucheth, samj. lolol

Regardless, your preset will save me a heck of a lot of time now. Again, thanks a heap. :slight_smile:



You can update G’MIC.
The ‘Lylejk stencil’ option is added at the end of the filter parameters.

Filters in your ‘Testing’ folder are on two files :


Appreciate the continued updates, samj. A bit tired (5.4 mile walk and also cut the grass (well do have a riding mower, but still I have to push to trim; lol). Will play later. :slight_smile: