vkdt dev diary, pt2

a bit off topic, but that’s today’s news:

pushed an optional module i-quake to render the animation from the other thread. to test, pull and

  • edit config.mk to contain the two lines about VKDT_USE_QUAKE as per instructions in config.mk.defaults
  • build vkdt, you should then have modules/i-quake/*{spv,so}
  • get and extract a blue noise texture
  • install quake as usual in /usr/share/games/quake
  • run ./vkdt examples/quake.cfg
  • press space bar to start animation, maybe grab mouse input in the i-quake module

similar info is found in the documentation for the module.

this is mostly for fun and may be useful as a testbed for image alignment, denoising, video output, and audio code.