voronoi: does it work?

I re-applied the substitution of the i and it works again.
But it’s a pity that this will be necessary at any subsequent G’mic update.

@dinasset You could override voronoi by placing a user.gmic file with the substitution at%appdata%.

I would ask David to consider the correct name of the author:

[Georgij Feodos’evič Voronoj - Wikipedia]

Hence, both the main name of the filter (the one which then calls the preview and the execution) and the names of the preview and execution could be changed into “Voronoj”/“voronoj” maintaining total respect for the original name.
Just an idea.

This won’t help much - but I also use the portable version of Samj (Win10 64 bit, G’mic 2.9.4) and it works fine off-sign ? in the layer name.
After changing the interface language (Gimp or G’mic: en, it, fr, pl) it also works the same.
Windows guilty again?

Some remarks:

  • I’ve been able to reproduce the bug, in the G’MIC-Qt plug-in we build and provide on our website.
  • It happens when we have Settings -> Output Messages -> Verbose [layer name], and the bug occurs when the plug-in tries to set the layer name (that contains the filter name, in UTF-8).
  • The bug happens for me only on Windows (tested on Win7). Not on Ubuntu Linux, where the GIMP API function gimp_item_set_name() accepts UTF-8 names.
  • We still don’t know why this API function does not accept UTF-8 names as argument, maybe @Jehan could tell us (possible bug in the GIMP plug-in API ?).
  • This can be clearly considered as a bug, and we’ll try to find a workaround for that (maybe just replacing UTF-8 characters in layer names by their closest ASCII counterpart).
  • Concerning the name ‘Voronoï’ : The name has been chosen because in French, the method is known as diagramme de Voronoï. I didn’t take care that in English, it is known as Voronoi diagram (with a regular i instead than ï). We’ll fix that in the future (maybe only we are sure the UTF-8 bug is fixed). The filter name actually refers to the known mathematical method, not to the name of its inventor, so we prefer to stick with the most commonly used name.


  • it helps solving problems in some environments (minor benefit)
  • it grants the originality of the name (major benefit)
    Look at ALL the Russian names terminating with a special i at the end, it is ALWAYS j and not the French i+umlaut
    (Tolstoj for instance)

That’s what I said, we’ll change the filter name in the future, to make it appear like its usual name (in English), so Voronoi instead of Voronoï. But we’ll try to fix the bug first.
I’ve never seen Voronoj or Voronoy in any scientific paper I’ve read that is using this method.
I’m sorry for the author of the method (and I’m pretty sure he actually doesn’t care where he is right now), but if his method is mostly known as Voronoi diagram rather than Voronoj diagram, then we have to keep the i at the end in the filter name.

OK, even better, thanks
I entered that comment because someone talked in one of the previous posts the the current name was “in respect of the author’s name”

2021-01-22 13-10-45 bob-brewer-daC7ji1EMHM-unsplash, as a Roman Mosaic  (parms=11,1,1,5,1,1,1)(2)(Voronoi)(scaled)
My first Mosaic generated using Voronoi.

Dowloaded the release dated January 27.
The name has been set to Voronoi, as pre-anounced by David.
Tried and it does not abend any more (it works) on my Samj’s package.
Just noticed an unexpected output:

This is something I’ve fixed a few days ago. Did you try refreshing your filters ?

Having downloaded and activated the release dated January 27.th, I did not refresh after the download (I tought it included all updates) .
Now I did and you are perfectly right, no additional layer produced, now.
Thanks a lot, David