Wb in color calibration

How can i set direct white balance in temperature and tint in color calibration module?

You can’t. The reason for that is a bit complex, but boils down to: changing tint causes non-linear hue shifts, depending on the temperature. And when you need “tint”, the illuminant doesn’t correspond to a source with a defined temperature…

In practice, if you have an illuminant (light source) which corresponds to daylight or black body radiation, you can change the temperature, and you don’t need the tint control.
Otherwise, you get hue and chroma controls, which allow full correction (for single-illuminant situations). No temperature, as the notion doesn’t make sense for such illuminants.


Supporting the comments by @rvietor it is very well explained here what the function and application of the module are intended to do as opposed to using a simple wb…

It also nicely explains when and why you will see “invalid” and also when you will see custom and how that plays with the controls…

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As others have said, you can’t in this module. If you really want to do that then disable CC module and set the white balance in the WB module.