Webcams just became a lot more fun on linux

and our DSLRs too…

as a follow up to my last post… the OBS Project released version 26.1. In 26.0 they added virtual camera support to mac and windows. And now we have it for linux too.

It relies on v4l2loopback just as gphoto2-webcam. But it gives us a lot more options.

How about … instead of sitting in your room during the work video conference … why not sit outside on a lake … via greenscreen

For openSUSE user the package is available via packman. I will try to find out if we can add a package that autoloads v4l2loopback during system startup.

Oh and there is a gphoto2 source for obs-studio, which i have to test still. That should keep cameras working with OBS that currently rely on gphoto2-webcam.


The autoload package would just ship those 2 files: