Weird edges after filmic's highlight reconstruct

Yes, that’s an option.
@Damian_Liew : I may have missed the XMP, have you shared it?
If you run darktable 4.2 with -d tiling (and the settings that trigger the red line), do you get any error indications?

I was thinking about even running it in the two resource configurations and then look at the processing and see how it differs if at all??

I’ve already done that, but have not been able to reproduce it locally. However, the profiles are relative to the installed memory; small taking 20%, default taking 60% and large taking 75% of RAM. I’m lucky to have 64 GB, so for me those would be ~13 GB, 38 GB and 48 GB, but on an 8 or 16 GB machine those numbers would be rather different.

Let me give it a shot sometime this week when I’m free. I’ll share the xmp and settings that allow me to reproduce this issue. Really appreciate all the help and support I’m getting. Thanks guys!

Funny story. It didn’t take that long :sweat_smile: Here’s the .xmp. It’s reproducible with all default settings on my device (see screenshot). Bug report might take a while; I’ll ask some of my friends how to navigate Github haha…

DSC00057.ARW.xmp (5.0 KB)

Hi @kofa, just posted a bug report on Github. Perhaps you can have a look at it there and I’ll try my best to help you. Quick question, how do I launch darktable from the CLI? Is there a binary file I’m supposed to open or is darktable itself the command? It says for me that the darktable command is not recognised. My version was downloaded from Homebrew so not sure if that’s a possible issue.

I’m just a user, so I won’t be able to fix this for you. :slight_smile:

Yes, darktable is the binary itself (under Windows: darktable.exe, Linux: darktable, Mac: no idea).
See darktable 4.2 user manual - darktable

I think I fixed the underlying issue with the red line after reproducing. Fix already merged in master.

If there are remaining issues let me know…