Why do many camera manufacturers not offer golden ratio grids?

As I am composing most of my images already in my head in golden ratio, I really wonder why only my Pixel camera offers a respective grid and Canon and Ricoh, for example, don’t. In my opinion it should be in every camera as it’s an important ratio and quite easy to add. Do I miss something here? Why isn’t everyone complaining to the manufacturers? :smiley:

Can you pay for extra firmware for it on a Sony?


Custom grid lines would be so great. I really wonder why one should pay for lines though :smiley:

no one missing this?

They should just offer a feature to enter a ratio and add that. It’d solve a lot of problems :wink:


Can we then just collectively ask the companies?

LOL, can’t wait to enter: 1·618033988749894848204586834365638117720309179805762862135448622705260462818902449707207204189391137484754088075386891752126633862223536931793180… :wink:

(no disrespect intended …)

This was an interesting diatribe, found while looking for something with the big long number to steal.



I don’t see any SLR/DSLR focusing screens with golden ratio etchings either. You would assume that if there were a real market for this you will see a few.

This said the “rule of thirds” could be seen as a good approximation of the golden rule.

Then there is also the “shoot wider and crop in post-prod” crowd.

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Well, if you want a golden ratio for the image size, you have no choice but crop in post, afaik there are no sensors with that aspect ratio…

As for grid lines, there’s a lot of other possible composition guides (triangles, spirals, …) A focusing screen with all of them would be unusable

I never thought of that. My camera doesn’t even have rule of thirds, but rather rule of … quarters…? Idk, it’s strange, but I roughly know where to aim for rule of thirds :smile:

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Off-topic, i.e. not in-camera but RawTherapee has this Guide which it curiously calls “Harmonic Means” (open in another tab to see the lines more clearly):

Looks the same as the Golden equivalent to me …


5 posts were split to a new topic: AI in camera recognizing things in frame

Only $140 for 3 or 4 custom framelines, what a bargain! Shareholders laughing all the way to the bank :smiley:

I mean it’s Sony. I’ve owned and been disappointed by so many Sony products in my life that I couldn’t put money into their camera systems even though they seem great. They’d cut off their nose to spite their face.


Did someone say “Sony CD rootkit”?