Wrong colors and contrast after RAW import

I use Nikon d5500, with adobeRGB and 14bit. My images in windows viewer (using nef codec! look like https://www.dropbox.com/s/gd91bs3tx0uwlmf/viewer.png?dl=0 , but after importing to RawTherapee lights and colors change and image looks like https://www.dropbox.com/s/3afad3f5ugri8nl/Raw.png?dl=0. Dont you know where problem is?
I use newet RawTherapee.

Hello and welcome!

There is a jpeg embedded in your raw file, that what you see in your viewer. RT automatically applies auto exposure correction when you open it, but you’ll probably still want to process it further.

It is explained here: http://rawpedia.rawtherapee.com/The_Image_Editor_Tab%23Eek.21_My_Raw_Photo_Looks_Different_than_the_Camera_JPEG#Eek.21_My_Raw_Photo_Looks_Different_than_the_Camera_JPEG

You can match colors using this: How to get Nikon ICM profiles - RawPedia


This only worked with the old version of NX2 and only for older cameras. Today Nikon is useing two icm’s in combination.

@TooWaBoo do you know from which version that article is no longer valid?
Should we keep it or delete it? I’m not in favor of having articles which are only valid for some unknown old version.

I can’t remember the version, but it was approximate 1-2 years ago.
I suggest to delete this part of the article.

“this part of the article” = the whole article, or…?

Sorry, yes, the whole article.

I added a note, to give the community time to step in and help out.