I had a go with RT and tried to keep the sky saturated, to set off the amusement park colours a bit. I corrected the vignetting a bit first at upper right, then went to work with the colour correction regions of the Color Toning tool. Not a roaring success isolating the sky from the blues in the park, but there you go.
achieving-pastel-colors.jpg.out.arp (11.1 KB)
I like the result, feels pretty Pastelish in my eyes.
CORRECTION: I checked online some color pallets, and this is not Pastel AT ALL.
For some reason that’s what came to my mind when I thought “Pastel”.
Still very vivid and I still like it.
Thank you for the play
Here is my attempt by just lowering the global vibrance slider. It is similar to just lowering the chroma slider but for this image the vibrance produced slightly better color in the end result in my opinion.