Add Noise in Rawtherapee

I can’t find an option to add noise/grain in rawthereapee. Where can I find it.

There’s a noise/blur/grain option tool in the Local Adjustments part called Blur/Grain & Denoise that can add these.

You do need a development version for this to be present though. If you cannot build it yourself you can get an appimage right here


Cool! Thank you.

Unfortunaly it’s very “basic”.
Something like this would be awesome TrueGrain Overview
More love for grain :wink:
Someone knows some papers/research about simulating grain?
Here is some stuff I found:

One of the more powerful features is that by using multiple global spots, you can add different grain to shadows, midtones, and highlights.
DSCF9045.RAF (19.0 MB)

Image licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

Edit: this is the correct pp3.
DSCF9045-1.jpg.out.pp3 (23.2 KB)


you did amazing with the given tools!
But honestly it is still too digital/aggressive. You did a godd job with distributing the noise, but the noise it self is lacking variation in size and a little softness (thats what I mean by aggressive)

I added some ‘generic’ noise (as apposed to film grain) using the local adjustment spot. I also added some microcontrast to give it a bit more bite. One of the issues is that the image I started with was so clean and had no background noise to work with.

I also noticed that I originally uploaded the wrong pp3, sorry. I will try to see if I can still edit my previous post.

DSCF9045-2.jpg.out.pp3 (23.1 KB)

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Much better. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Much appreciate it.
I still think it’s a little sharp, but I definitely will give it a second try.

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What do you mean by sharp? I added some Noise Reduction and median filter to smooth it out a bit. Does that help?
DSCF9045-3.jpg.out.pp3 (23.1 KB)


yes! Now it’s perfect to me. Really impressed.
I meant like the “falloff” of one grain piece, but you nailed it now.

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Thanks. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Have you downloaded the Dev version of RawTherapee yet? You should be able to download my .raf image and my .pp3 to se how I did it.

Yes I got the Dev Version. Will give it a try later :heart:

Hey @chaimav , I got it all working, but I don’t understand how you softened the noise.
DId you use the “global denoise” option for that? Or is it in the local adjustments as well?

Would be cool to also be have colored noise.
Somehow chrominance and luminance both only do lumincance. Is this not implemented yet or am I missing something?

I used the global one. I turned the tool on and then checked the box (all the way at the bottom) for ‘median filter’.

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I am not at my computer now, so I can’t check, but did you enable the advanced option for the noise tool?

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I used the global one. I turned the tool on and then checked the box (all the way at the bottom) for ‘median filter’.

ah! Got it now.

I am not at my computer now, so I can’t check, but did you enable the advanced option for the noise tool?

Yes, I tried. Those are my options.

So lets see some results of what you have done :eyes:

Oh, I guess I was not clear. I got the denoise working. Not the colored noise.
IM1A2794-8.jpg.out.pp3 (19.6 KB)

IM1A4389-1.jpg.out.pp3 (19.7 KB)

If you are in the mood - would be great if you could show me how to do the colored noise :heart:

I would also share some of my images for rawplay, but they are all cr3. So you can only edit them with the dev version.