In previous thread there was a suggestion taking bracketed photos what should make developing much easier. So I checked my backup drive where I found such with ± 1EV. This was one of my first things I tried after installing DT - make an HDR but I didn’t like the result so I dumped it. Now it returns but I realize that approach “only DT” with a magic button “HDR” has no chances. If I can ask for a proper developing process, I would appreciate it. I installed GIMP 2.8 (there’s a new 2.9 dev. ver.), but have no idea how to work with it so it will take some time before I’ll be able to follow work flow.
Information about photos: This is inside Dominus Flevit Church, Jeruzalem, Israel. A short film about it:
Shots taken November 2017, no tripod, so to stabilize I placed camera on the backseat of bench.
P1440497.RW2 (18.7 MB)
P1440496.RW2 (18.6 MB)
P1440495.RW2 (18.6 MB)
This file is licensed
(Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike)
So if you would like to take challenge and share guidelines to help a newbee to opensource sw, here it is and thanks in advance.
PS. thank you @afre
5 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Play Raw] Processing a very high-contrast raw
Sorry this topic may have been accidentally closed (stopping folks from responding). I’ve opened it back up so people can reply and give you advice!
[Edit: I moved this post back to this thread. I also corrected the name of this thread.]
@Gobo You are very welcome. From first inspection it looks like there is more clipping in the highlights in P1440496 than P1440493. I guess it is possible to extract some of the detail from *93…
PS I would recommend GIMP 2.9.x. See Should I install GIMP stable or bleeding edge?.
I don’t see the point of the recent post movements… now my comment which was about these specific images is in a thread where it makes no sense, and this playraw still makes no sense.
Yes I fumbled the post moving, sorry. There were so many posts with almost the same title. I’ll be more careful in the future.