Impressions from the Middle Rhine
Bridge photography #2
Sunsrise over dredged lake
The perspective distortion is interesting, but it almost makes me seasick.
Sorry for your discomfort, and get well soon!
I confess, I did this photo a bit for the discomfort it induces.
But no artificial distortion, apart from a slight low angle. Focal length 110 mm, the facade of the building on the left is in reality very inclined relative to the vertical.
Very interesting composition. You’ve gotta really stare at the gap between the right building and the image edge to maintain the notion that the building is straight. A little disconcerting, but I like it. Y’know, this is the sort of thing photography should make us do, think…
I got my motorbike license “late” in life with a view to travel parts of Australia in retirement. Anyway, I’m between jobs ,I took two weeks off and rode my latest motorbike on a 3000km roundtrip from Canberra to the Sunshine Coast to visit parents and family.
Some photos taken with the phone and edited with Snapseed.
Been absent for a minute, coming back soon (with a new toy to boot). These are from a very recent car show and a hike around a lake on this last Sunday. I’ve got quite a few more to try to edit from the car show and a few recent outings. I’ve seen some of the PlayRaw images from the last couple of weeks and want to take a crack at some of those as well. Hope you’ve all been well.
I was bought a “beaver safari” for my birthday. The woman who ran it was extremely informative, but talked so much that by the time we got to the river, the light was going.
These are the few that were salvageable, the rest had such a high ISO that the noise was overwhelming, as can be seen on the picture of the grebes.
If people think it would be worth it, I can post one of these in “Play Raw” to see what others can make of it.
I went on a Honey Swamp tour in Louisiana one time. It was ostensibly to see alligators, but it was too early in the Spring, so most of them were still in hibernation (or whatever they do). We saw only one big gator, and it was just asleep in the sun.
The tour was still fun. We learned a good bit about cypress trees, LOL.
Grew up in South Louisiana, wandered all over the place, only 'gator I ever encountered was on a school field trip to one of the nearby wildlife refuges, big honker (12" between the eyes) that hung out ostensibly to entertain school field trips…
Saw a lot more cottonmouth snakes…
I really like the reflected tree in the gap.
Well thank you, I’m hoping to get a better quality shot of it after I get my new camera this coming week.
I like the composition, just not the image quality.
My first attempt with Siril (actually, I processed the images 5 times before I understood what I was doing )
Stack of 33 light frames (Canon RF 16mm, 8s, f/2.8, ISO6400), 30 dark and 30 flat. Foreground was additionally stacked on 10 selected frames without registration and masked in gimp. A bit of color in darktable.
On the right side of the image you can even see remnants of aurora borealis (the red glow)!
I noticed only during processing, that the stars are not dots in edges of the image… Maybe a smaller aperture would help - but the weather forecast is not the best for the next days, and the moon interferes as well… Or is there any processing I can do to reduce that?
Nature’s Emoji.
Spotted this crooked smiley pebble on the beach. Seems to be just chance as there are similar but non-anthropomorphic scratches and dings on the other side. Snaps are iPhone as I was just going to say goodbye to a friend I was visiting on a campsite in Newport, Pembrokeshire, and didn’t think I’d take any pics. Can’t completely get rid of the distant haloing with Apple’s built in editor. I took some phone pics of a sunset that looked fine on the phone but not great on a big screen after messing with them on the iPad. Maybe I can import them to DT and try to improve the jpegs.