[Capture Challenge] Charge your battery and take some photos

I guess its sunrise somewhere now…


We just returned from a trip to Hawaii. Went to Vancouver, got on a ship, spent 5 days motoring to the islands, went to Hilo and Kona on the big island, were supposed to go to Maui, Lahaina but you know what happened there, then got off the ship at Honolulu and spent 6 days tooling around Oahu. About 20 years ago we got to know Hawaii as the flight connection to our overseas posting, now we like to go back there occasionally and actually see things.

We had an aft cabin. First, just reinforced the fact that you can only make a few compositions looking off the ass end of a boat:

I have about 20 of these.

Hilo is on the wet side of the island. We took the waterfall tour:

About ten thousand people have this composition.

Still, managed to find some interesting textures:

I think Kona is a lot less interesting, photography-wise. The water is still pretty, even in the small harbor:

That’s our ride in the background.

We didn’t do much on Oahu. We stayed at the Hale Koa, a hotel run by the military recreation folk. We mostly just hung out there, and our room had a really nice view:

Batteries were prudently managed during the entire trip…


From our Sunday hike on Flumserberg:


Now you made me jealous :grinning:
I am happy for you!


Moraine lake AB - I know it is not unique - the viewpoint is packed with photographers aiming in this direction. But it is memories for me :grinning:


@ggbutcher Lovely. I like how thematic each one is.


I was just an hour ago looking at images of Moraine Lake and Lake Louise online. Iconic locations, but still stunning.

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I have found that surrounding my photographs with the context of a story helps to play down their mediocrity… :laughing:


Did you hike up the trail to larch valley and look over the other side?? If not this is the path up and over on the other side of that gravel saddle between the two peaks is a spectacular valley and more stunning views…


They are beautiful (if there are no wildfires around) and nowadays are getting even more crowded. Worth visiting if you are around.

Wow! I really love the pictures that you posted. We didn’t have the time to hike actually. The schedule was very packed. Only one day for Moraine lake and lake Louise. Then we took the parkway to Jasper. Maybe we can go again in the future - will see. But thanks for the tip. I am going to show your photos to my wife (this should convince her) :grinning:

Walking around the city. Cable-stayed bridge at night. Ricoh GRIIIx.


Yeah, I have been one of those photographers. We tried Lake Louise (we have a daughter with that name, no “Louise”, not “Lake”) and thought it would be nice for her to have a picture. However, unless you get to the car park at a ridiculous time in the morning it is almost inevitably going to be full.

So, instead we went to Moraine Lake.

And yes, it was pouring down.


That water is an amazing colour.

I spent last weekend at the Bathurst 1000, which is a big circuit race (161 laps and 1000km) in the V8 Supercars series here in Australia. Held at the iconic Mt Panorama track.
Plenty of car shots… but I also had fun turning my camera the other way…

This was a TV cameraman - aloft!

The RAAF Roulettes doing an aerobatic display.

On top of Mt Panorama

Tidiness wasn’t a strong point of some spectators…

I happened to run into these three willing subjects in the ‘paddock’ (the area behind the pits.) :star_struck:


This massive crowd is actually on the track after the race is over, trying to see the prize giving ceremony.


Fine rock dust in the water apparently. You get a similar effect in the Huka Falls in New Zealand:


Great photos, Bathurst is great :slight_smile:

Shame for the trash on the ground though, in some public events here I see the same, people are the same everywhere in the end.

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In other words, if you can’t dazzle 'em with brilliance…

Been there myself. All too often! :laughing:


Wow. My memory of drivers was guys with grease and mud stains on their faces. How things have changed! Looks like I need to start attending events again… LOL

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Too bad her name isn’t Moraine, eh? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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