[Capture Challenge] Charge your battery and take some photos

Summer long gone.
There were just a few rays of sun in a mostly gloomy day. But it didn’t rain so the walk was welcomed. I took one lens only this time. Not enough to reach the distance. Regardless - this is better than nothing. Besides - I carry what I really like - my camera is on my shoulder. There have been too many times going out without it. Oddly (or not) each time when I leave it home - there is something that draws my eyes. A few times I picked the phone. But it is just not the same. I don’t think it ever will. Some times it is one keeper - that is all. And there are times when there is none. This is a keeper for me. A fractured stamp - a fleeting moment. A memory.


Desperation abstraction

The weather has been really and unexpectedly nice here just recently, like 70F / 20C with blue sky. It was cold by our standards a couple of weeks ago but has warmed up. I’m sure more winter is coming, but while the weather is good I headed out locally with my camera.

And found nothing. :upside_down_face:

So out of desperation I ended up shooting some really weird tree bark. It looks like it’s been eroded, like something from a Utah landscape, I’ve never seen (or at least noticed) anything like it before. And no, I don’t know what kind of tree. Just a tree… :slight_smile:

It has an alien, almost lunar-like quality.

DOF was real fun to try and achieve… (NOT!)

As a negative, it takes on a very lava-like character.

In positive, this one isn’t anywhere near as interesting.



Bark or some insect colony?

It’s apparently the bark. There were several trees like this and they were all the same. Each feature is about a third to half a finger in size, more or less.

Disagree, hard. You found something spectacular.


Thanks! And to clarify, “nothing” referred to what else I didn’t find, not to the tree / bark. That was after I found “nothing” (else). I could’ve been more clear on that.

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just added two more, same tree

The trees may have a virus that’s causing that.

Len just went viral.


Blue marble

The weather here today is rainy and cloudy. To test my new 70-200 mm lens I took a photo of an old globe (~ 1930?). The map has changed a lot since then.
For once, I uploaded the photo in full resolution so that you can read the writing.

Edit: I did some more research. On the Globe you find Pakistan (from 1947) and Israel (from 1948) and the South African Union (until 1961). This limits the production time between 1948 and 1961. The fact that Germany is just “Deutschld” and not separated in “Bundesrepublik” and “Deutsche Demokratische Repubik” suggests that te globe was produced in 1948 before the two German states were founded.


To / on an alien planet? :slight_smile:

I knew I shoulda took a left in Albuquerque!!

What’s up, doc? :stuck_out_tongue: :rabbit2:

…just as long as I don’t go virus! :slight_smile:


The base of a bald cypress tree in Chicot Lake, Louisiana.

ART 1.21.1, Affinity Photo 2 (inpainting to remove lots of tiny floating stuff in the water)



It was a very gray day. No sunshine, no golden hour. But the walk was nice.


Great Egret.
I think… the only other option in my area of Australia is the Little Egret, but going by size I think this was a Great.


Very grey here as well. I noticed this fallen tree while we were out for a walk the other day and went back to get some pictures. I stood on what I thought was a tussock for one shot, and disappeared knee-deep into a bog. Fortunately, it wasn’t the bog of eternal stench…


I like the subject, this “formation” is rather interesting and the framing you chose did a good job detaching the subject from it’s surrounding but wonder what would it look like if it was even more set apart with different lighting (post processing or another shot with other light condition ?)