[Capture Challenge] Charge your battery and take some photos

Yesterday’s dream walk… :see_no_evil:



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Lovely bird and photos!

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Just looking at that photo makes me want to walk along the path.

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No, @martin.scharnke, it’s not infrared, I’ve just been playing with the colours.
In a few hours @martbetz I will share the photo on playraw, so that anyone who wants to, can “walk” along this path.

Some images from an old cemetary


From my most recent trip (which wasn’t actually that recent, but I’m still going through photos from it to edit)


Today’s capture


Views in and around the Himalayan Cedar grove at the National Arboretum in Canberra.


not really a photograph (x-ray)


Oy! You can’t get away with that… tell us more! :wink: How do you do DIY X-rays?

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This evening we held the yearly “easter fire” in our small village. Unfortunately there was a heavy rain midst in the event… anayways, we saved our steaks and had a nice evening at home. Not so the “Feuerwehr” (fire fighters), who have to monitor the fire over the night.


Love the black mountain telecoms tower in juxtaposition with the cedars - a concrete cedar!
What’s the building in the last one?


It’s called the Margaret Whitlam Pavilion.
Quite striking I think, although perhaps better from some angles than others. :wink:

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Unfortunately (?) access to x-ray equipment is usually restricted to medical staff.

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Just a snapshot from yesterday evening, walking home - I was completely absorbed by the distant mountains showing so clearly.

I only noticed it later, while developing the image, how hostile that guy by the car was looking at me. I walked past him half a minute later, greeted him as customary in this neighbourhood (even when you don’t know each-other), but he didn’t return it.


Or research institutes (art, archeology,…). Even there, I don’t think a random photographer will be allowed to play with the equipment… (X-rays can be very useful, and very nasty, there’s a reason the staff leaves the room when the actual image is taken!)

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Love this!

Nice view!!

It’s because he’s a Porsche driver - no other explanation needed. :wink:

(sorry I should explain this a little - I live near a relatively quiet country town in Australia, and it’s really unusual to see a proper Porsche - and when one does it’s often someone wealthy on holiday from Canberra or Sydney. This is obviously a stereotype, and probably unfair, but that type is not always popular among locals. I would imagine in Europe it’s rather different)


Someone from a big town showing off their wealth are seldom popular in small country towns in Europe neither - at least in my corner of Europe.
Often you don’t even need to show off your wealth, it’s enough to be from a big town …

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