@Claes I don’t know Darktable very much, and I don’t know anything about that module…
Here is a good start to learn more about that module:
Such a good lookin dude in that post…
@patdavid Er… do you mean the before or the after photo?
OK, I tried the Darktable chart thing, trying again to make the raw file to match the OOC Velvia simulation. Here’s the result in overlay:
And the DT style file:
DSCF4442-Velvia_Vivid_DT.dtstyle (5.0 KB)
Which method did you prefer? Which method is easier to work with?
The DT method is much easier. I have to figure out how to make a HaldCLUT for RT from the DTstyle. I tried but the resulting HaldCLUT I obtain is washed out, so I can’t directly compare both from RT.
But if I develop some scenes from DT+velvia_dtstyle and compare the result to RT+velvia_clut_v2, I get horrible posterization in the DT images, and no problem noticeable from RT.
Velvia is a vivid color more for landscapes and not that great for portraits as it produces unnatural skin tone. Astia is more for portraits. More here:
Thanks for the Velvia film simulation! Yes, it is saturated but it can be desaturated to taste in RT.
Thank you for your Classic Chrome preset. It is really cool!
Look at this picture for example: http://my.ivobl.ru/sens/444/P7290039.jpg
@viv thanks, your image is very cool indeed!
Sun + semi-gold reflector 1m. in diameter
Great shot! But how can it be just the sun and one reflector? There is golden light on her left shin, so the reflector is camera-right, but there is a sharp shadow on her neck but a very soft, almost Bertrandt-style shadow on her cheek - how was that done?
Sun on left making the harder shadows, reflector up in close for the softer shadows. Hence the golden shadow only on the upper portion (notice it’s not on the lower leg).
The soft highlights on the under side of her chin and neck and under her left brow, and the reflection on her shin but not on her knee suggest that the reflector was on the lower-right. But then how come there is no sharp shadow on her face from the navy cap? I’d like to know how you pulled this off, because you did it phenomenally well.
Here you can watch backstage video: Съемка в Плесе 29.07.2016 on Vimeo
Thank you for sharing this! This is fantastic work. Did you do the retouching yourself?
Yes. And my workflow means not more than 20 minutes of retouch work on a single image.
I use RawTherapee for ~ 90% of my raw convertions.
Thank you for sharing, great work!
Thanks for the link to the video. I enjoyed the BTS a lot.