darktable 4.2.1 released

We’re proud to announce the new bug fix release of darktable, 4.2.1! The github release is here: https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/releases/tag/release-4.2.1. As always, please don’t use the autogenerated tarball provided by github, but only our tar.xz file. The checksums are: $ sha256sum darktable-4.2.1.tar.xz 603a39c6074291a601f7feb16ebb453fd0c5b02a6f5d3c7ab6db612eadc97bac darktable-4.2.1.tar.xz $ sha256sum darktable-4.2.1_arm64.dmg d037a23e8b37f6971a1f2b7c4cf3e03647b168ad2fb43080761d7a307b43048d darktable-4.2.1_arm64.dmg $ sha256sum darktable-4.2.1_x86_64.dmg 993a29685397c6e1a429d84be578da9271eefc06d2c75c10818ffc00b7d04a00 darktable-4.2.1_x86_64.dmg $ sha256sum darktable-4.2.1-win64.exe 31c4d6c522818eda87e48df44f267afd531339ef9d374fa02d44891e3755f7b5 darktable-4.2.1-win64.exe When updating from the stable 4.0.x series, please bear in mind that your edits will be preserved during this process, but the new library and configuration will no longer be usable with 4.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.darktable.org/2023/02/darktable-4.2.1-released/

@paperdigits looks like this autopost thingy loses links.

How to update Darktable? Should I uninstall and reinstall the latest version?

Unfortunately we don’t know what operating system you are on or where you normally install your packages from.

Windows 10

Just run the installer of the new version. It will recognize the old one and ask, if it should uninstall before continuing. Answer “Yes” and you’re fine. Your settings and edits will be preserved.


Thank you for your reply :slight_smile:

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Gimp .34 was also released today. It’s like you guys had a deal. :slight_smile:

Support for Panasonic S5/S1R/S1 hi-res/pixel-shift/live composite/multi-exposure modes was added, but is missing from the release notes.


What’s the preferred way to update on Linux (Pop! OS)?

either ask your distro or use the matching package from the OBS. see install page on darktable.org

I see that the OM-1 has ‘base support’ now. Does ‘base support’ mean that something is still missing and the camera is not fully supported yet?


OK thanks. What happens to the down rev? Do I need to remove it?

If you’re on Pop OS and using the flatpak, it’ll be updated shortly. Just wait.

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It also has the noise profile, as mentioned in the release notes. The white balance presets are the only thing missing (but can be added easily manually without rebuilding).

Thank you, but I don’t understand well what you mean by ‘can easily be installed without manually rebuilding’. I am just a naive user and I cannot build DT by myself, I can only download an installer and install DT on my Windows 10 computer. If I have done that, how can I add the white balance presets? And if not possible: what are the consequences of not having these presets?

I did say without rebuilding.

By editing, or replacing the wb_presets.json text file.

You just won’t be able to select e.g. exact “Tungsten”, “Daylight”, or “Shade” etc. WB coefficients that match the ones you could set in the camera and OM System think are right for this camera under particular illumination. You will still be able to manually play w/ the WB coefficients/tint/temperature sliders to your heart’s content in darktable (or use the automatic “as shot” WB that the camera detected and reported), but just won’t be able to “preview” what a particular camera preset would have given you with a single click if you had hypothetically set the camera like that during the shoot.

But we digress - this topic is about dt 4.2.1, not about the OM-1.

Thank you for the share

compression mode lossless for sony ILCE-7M4 don’t work … why?

Welcome! The release notes clearly state that Sony lossless support is missing, i.e. it is not implemented yet.