darktable 4.6.0 released

I’m beginning to wonder when I will get the new release in Arch Linux. It has been sitting in their Extra-Testing repository since release. Maybe it is the same problems with libraries that others have reported. Or maybe it’s just a lazy package manager person (at Arch Linux).

You’re not alone! I literally have visited their hompeage at least 50x already to see if it’s in the repos. :grin:

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I dont think this is a fair comment. It’s Christmas and people get busy with life/family.



And maybe more as not many are testing darktable on Wayland.

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Ok, but other packages are coming right along, every day. Also, I left room that it could be a dependency problem.

I would love to test the new Darktable as well, but cannot. My system isn’t supported anymore - Mac Mojave in my case. Why is this so?
I think because packaging managers bought new computers and do not bother to compile software for older systems. But, in my opinion, open source means for me availability too. So if open source becomes system dependant, it feels like breaking the philosophy of free or open source.

Would be possible to compile newer versions of Darktable for older mac systems - if this process is not too complicated?


Search before you complain.

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I am not sure if you meant this to be a joke. What do you think of: "Have been asking dt devs to do the port to my beloved ZX81 and they just don’t do so. :slight_smile:

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well this is what I call a surprise for this Christmas

my last version was 4.2.1 - and I did not hope to get any newer version. Maybe I did not check carefully because I had a look at this forum before. Anyways, thank you for the direction and of course, the developer packaging DT

no joke, lately new Macs break consciously backwards compatibility and newer machines come with less options in regards to backwards compatibility - by the way sorry, but I do not use an old pc from '81 to toy around with DT.

So move away from macOS and use a Open Source Linux based distribution. Better than complaining here :slight_smile: You may still want to complain to Apple sales Team though!


Open source means the source code is available, and it is. It does not mean someone will compile that code to run on your own platform (though they often do).

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You’ve not had security updates for years. I think it’s reasonable to not support Mojave.

Could you use OpenCore Legacy Patcher? Worked well for my 2015 MBA that I just upgraded from Mojave to Sonoma.

fully agree, I have yet another Mac with a nice Linux installation but use this one less than I should.
Some Mac specific features keep me back from migrating fully to Linux - like developing my own workflows. Linux does not have some universal linux - specific scripting language - I had to upgrade my bash skills to get the same standards I am used to, or learn a completely new language

I think bash fits the role of “universal linux - specific scripting language” rather well!

yes, true. Mac is ok, but is getting too intrusive. Mojave was the last system I really - wanted. None of the successive system updates appealed me, not even for free and I read the features list twice to be really sure I understood the news.
OpenCore Legacy would be the perfect solution for me if I would like the new MacOS … maybe hilarious, but yes. Better a Linux next time

That’s the way I went. My MBA is my surf machine and runs Sonoma. My workstation is on Tumbleweed. 16 years of macOS usage came to an end. It’s pretty clear that Apple wants macOS to become another iOS.

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I feel this is a gigantic misunderstanding of the open source ethos. Even more ironic because its a Mac; the vendor themselves don’t want to keep your hardware up to date.

  1. pacman -Syu

  2. Activate extra-testing

  3. pacman -Sy darktable

  4. Deactivate extra-testing

There you go …

It depends what you need to do regularly. My machine is not the newest but is able to render and export videos.

At some point higher, farther, faster is nothing more than marketing advertisement.
Newer Os are not necessary at the speed we experience today. And if developers follow this trend open source feels less accessible - this is my perspective using a Mac. If you are on a Linux, you will see facts clearly differently than from my perspective, of course.

I don’t disagree, but at the same time you’ve chosen a vendor and platform who seems to be directly at odds with this sentiment.

What you feel is entitlement to other people’s time to make code work on a platform that, for the most part, is not used by the developers. We are greatful for the efforts of people like @MStraeten who seems their time to enable others, but there are limits. You’re already getting so much from others, but you still demand more. Its not a good look.