darktable 4.6.0 released

Alternatively, it’s very easy to grab the official PKGBUILD, update the version number, run makepkg and be done. (of course, if there is a need to patch something, then things become more complicated.)

if you want to stay with mojave then you’d better get and preserve a matching build toolchain to do your own builds. macports as a source for several darktable dependecies is actually maintained with deployment target 11.3.
darktable dependencies via macports also are fine with deployment target 10.14 up to now, but that can change quite fast.
homebrew supports macos >=12 , older might work but that’s not actively maintained.
So it’s not just darktable - it’s the whole ecosystem of free software thats moving …

Thanks for providing 4.6.0. It’s always a pleasure to be able to use this nice piece of software :slight_smile:

I’m on Arch as well (Garuda Linux) and currently I overcome the small issue not getting darktable via update with compiling it myself.

GitHub - darktable-org/darktable: darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developerGitHub - darktable-org/darktable: darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developerGitHub - darktable-org/darktable: darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer

And then just use the prepared steps. Whilst compile my installation missed three packages. I installed them with octopi (graphical pacman) and the rest was easy.

I use the 4.6.0 parallel to 4.4.2 (own path for binary and config) and currently I’m testing.

What I don’t understand: Leaving dt from darkroom session and restart of dt: dt does not go to darkroom. It’s always lighttable and I have to look for last worked picture. Intended or is this a bug? dt config is brand new. No historic data from 4.4.2.

Intended functionality – it’s always worked like this. I usually exit the darkroom before I quit, in which case the lighttable remembers the last thing you worked and should put it to the top of the list next time you reopen

My 4.4.2 inst and all other versions before:

Darktable → closing dt → restart of dt → back in darktable (last edit).

Same with lighttable.

Conclusion: Last status before quitting the software was saved.

Now always lighttable is the starting point. Nothing is saved.

Interesting. I’m sure I never noticed this behaviour before. Unless I really do always exit to the lighttable so I never saw it. I mean if it’s not a bug it’s also not unreasonable behaviour to expect, so by all means raise an issue on github.

Thanks to all darktable contributors!!

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I do not recall it working this way either.

If you open a file from your file manager, it’ll open in darkroom view.

But if you just open the application itself, I always get lighttable view.

indeed, this happens lately with many free software, Blender or Digikam come to my mind. Not very pleasant.
A decade ago I had to do with Xcode, not sure if I wanna use it another time - but I will think about.
Thanks for your straight answer and your updates too!
Getting version 4.6 made my day today

In case it helps you, we were discussing how to compile it in Manjaro and I shared how I build the package to work with master version in the below link:

Thank you. Much appreciated.

Many thanks to all the devs - always a nice holiday present!

4.6 works perfectly, only I get tons of identical warnings when starting from the command line:

(darktable:1676): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:49:30.580: dlopen(/usr/local/Cellar/gtk+3/3.24.38_1/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/im-quartz.so, 0x0001): tried: ‘/usr/local/Cellar/gtk+3/3.24.38_1/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/im-quartz.so’ (no such file), ‘/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/local/Cellar/gtk+3/3.24.38_1/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/im-quartz.so’ (no such file), ‘/usr/local/Cellar/gtk+3/3.24.38_1/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/im-quartz.so’ (no such file)

(darktable:1676): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:49:30.581: Loading IM context type ‘quartz’ failed

This is on macOS Ventura (13.6.3). No negative effects seen, though, everything seems to work fine :slight_smile:

I actually had the same problem with a MacBook Air 2012 that was not receiving anymore updates from Apple. When I saw that a few other important open source software I used, did not install anymore, I bit the bullet and installed ubuntu 22.04 on it a couple of weeks ago. I have to say I am pretty happy with it and dt 4.6.0 works fine.

First, thank you all for the tremendous effort.

I’ve been using darktable since the end of 2019. I came from Luminar sick of the “ai” features and looking for something that would allow me to understand the process of developing photos better. My only "complaint " was how slow darktable was on my computer. It wasn’t a complaint as my computer is not very powerful, a laptop with an integrated iris graphics card. It was so painful to edit photos with 4.4 that I was really looking into buying a new PC. But when I installed 4.6, something weird happened; once I booted it for the first time I saw some messages around OpenCL, something saying installing modules or something like that. I don’t know what it was, but now darktable is faster than it has ever been on my computer. Of course, it is still not super fast, as the computer is old, but more than adequate to more than comfortably edit. Thanks a lot for the optimizations, it makes a huge difference.

New module RGB primaries are nice. I don’t really have a sigmoid workflow hence can talk much about the inclusion of the primaries on sigmoid. But otherwise, 4.6 is in my opinion an estellar release.

Thanks a lot!!


Still nothing for Arch. At this point I think there’s definitely some problem with the program… meh.

I’m afraid the problem should be with the package maintainer. Contact the maintainers to make them aware of the new release :slight_smile:

If waiting for the maintainers to update the distro packaging is not acceptable, then your options are to self build or use OBS.

Here is a view of current package status.

That’s not the case. He repackaged 4.6 on the day of the release, but still remains in extra-testing repos.

Something isn’t right. I contacted the maintainer via email but he didn’t respond. He’s very active though - he manages many packages on a daily basis.

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4.6 just merged for nixos-unstable. Running my own overlay on stable and seems mostly OK.

That “something” could be Christmas holidays, taking time to spend with loved ones, and the like.

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