darktable windows insider program 8/28

Tried without success:

I show hidden items in windows file explorer and I don’t see any hidden folder where the log is (or I don’t know where it is, or there isn’t one).

Muestro elementos ocultos en el explorador de archivos de windows y no veo ninguna carpeta oculta donde esté el log. (o no sé donde está, o no la hay).

My history is:
I have DT4.0.0.0 installed on Appdata.

Then I have a folder to test Sigmoid: DarkTable 3.9.0+925~g911f71370
I have another folder to test Tone Eequalizer: DarkTable 3.9.0+1781~gb8cdc71b6-dirty
And I have another folder to test Light Reconstruction-> segmentation based: DarkTable 4.1.0+148~g242c03e75

The latter is the last one that works for me.

And all the installation files weighed about 111 Mb.

From that I remember Bill changed something:
“This week I updated to the new universal C run time build tools, so please let me know if there are any problems.”

Since then they no longer worked for me on Surface 8 with Iris Xe.
Their installation files weighed 84 Mb.

And since then the Nightly PKG didn’t work either.

Mi historial es:
Tengo instalado DT4.0.0 en Appdata

Luego tengo una carpeta para probar Sigmoid: DarkTable 3.9.0+925~g911f71370
Tengo otra carpeta para probar Tone Eequalizer: DarkTable 3.9.0+1781~gb8cdc71b6-dirty
Y tengo otra carpeta para probar Light Reconstrucction-> segmentation based: DarkTable 4.1.0+148~g242c03e75

Este último es el último que me funciona.

Y todos los archivos de instalación pesaban sobre 111 Mb.

A partir de ese recuerdo que Bill cambió algo:
“This week I updated to the new universal C run time build tools, so please let me know if there are any problems.”

Desde entonces ya no me funcionaban en Surface 8 con Iris Xe.
Sus archivos de instalación pesaban 84 Mb.

Y tampoco me funcionaban desde entonces las Nightly PKG.

  • I read a lot of information in the manual to turn on some debug settings, but I cannot see any debug information. Where can I find those debug logs? The Windows version of dt by default logs its debug information to the following places:Windows 10: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\darktable\darktable-log.txtWindows 7: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\darktable\darktable-log.txt

darktable-log.txt (361,0 KB)

It is not an OpenCL issue.

It seems to load fine until this last line:

2.584292 [camera_control] loaded 4 port drivers.

Do you have a camera connected to the PC? Trata de empezar darktable sin esas conneciones.

No, I don’t have any devices connected to the surface tablet, except for the keyboard and mouse via bluetooth.

On the amd ryzen I only have a mouse connected by usb.

Just wondering, am I correct in assuming that this build has the ‘BUGFIXES new iop cache issues #12393’ fixes in it? I’m new to Github - so this is probably a silly question :open_mouth:
Edit: I mean this latest windows insider build.

I guess it was a silly assumption… I just installed this version and it still crashes, on subsequent exposure adjustments, albeit without giving any errors.
I’ll try next week’s version :smile:

It is not. That PR was merged today and bill did his build last night.

Check to see if the nightly builds run and try that one instead.

Yes, I thought that must be it. Where do I find windows nightly builds? (another questionable question :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

The nightly PKG will have the windows install file if you log in GitHub.

But the nightly failed to build for the last 3 days.

The nightly builds are failing because of this:

FAILED: lib/darktable/plugins/lighttable/libgamepad.dll

I boot the windows PC and build the current master on UCRT. Installed it without a problem.

SDL2 was updated via this PR: https://github.com/msys2/MINGW-packages/pull/12793

Someone already started an issue in MSYS2: https://github.com/msys2/MINGW-packages/issues/12874

Thanks for all the info. Sounds like I’ll just wait a bit… I keep thinking of learning how to build it myself, but I’ve got too much on at present to concentrate on it. :grinning:

The nightly is running again.

Thanks for the update! I’ll try it when I get a chance :grinning:

Nothing changes on my surface 8 with iris Xe.
After installing, as soon as I run it it shuts down.
I would like this resolved before 4.0.1.
Does it happen to anyone else?

I dont have a Surface system, so I cant test your issues. I’m concern with multiple installs you have. Are you sharing the same .config file across all these? Maybe use .\config_test

Can you provide a -d all from the build from last night?

Yep, this could be an issue indeed, especially when mixing MINGW64 and UCRT64 binaries (DLLs).

.\bin\darktable --disable-opencl --configdir “.\config” -d all

darktable-log.txt (340,3 KB)

2.827333 [camera_control] loaded 4 port drivers.

Seems to stop after libgphoto2 init… What are your CAMLIBS and IOLIBS environment variables?

Before launching in the command window, try:

set CAMLIBS=C:\Fotografia\Darktable\DT_41-crash\lib\libgphoto2\2.5.30
set IOLIBS=C:\Fotografia\Darktable\DT_41-crash\lib\libgphoto2_port\0.12.1
.\bin\darktable --disable-opencl --configdir “.\config” -d all