Fun with lenses

I just got me a Lomo T-43, 40mm f4. I don’t have a focusing coil yet, but anything can be solved if you’re poor enough and in a hurry :sweat_smile:
I simply took the mounting ring from an old extension tube, and put on a whole lot of masking tape so that it just about fits in there.
So now I can focus by pushing and pulling the lens in and out of the body :joy: just have to be careful to lift the mirror first :see_no_evil:

A few random test-shots:

Cats are notoriously difficult to photograph, especially when 20cm away from their face, but the images also shows how sharp this actually can be when focused properly.

A ‘forced bokeh’ shot just to visualize the distortion of the blurring. A slight swirly quality it seems for this lens.

And for the crappiest portrait photograph of the year I nominate… For this one I focused and marked the floor. Had to do a couple of shots before I found the right position. Not perfectly in focus, but I gave up at this point.

Btw. my most used lens is a Olympus Zuiko 50mm 1,8, that 3,5 macro is on my list though :blush:


Some pictures of the lens setup. I just love the look off this tiny thing on the massive 5d :sweat_smile:

Uploading: IMG_20221211_122634_0.jpg…


You’ve made some very valid points, @PhotoPhysicsGuy; still, it was a very interesting read.

Personally, I prefer using legacy glass purely for practical and creativity reasons — not to mention the fact that I just love vintage gear! :drooling_face:


I constantly have my eyes on some 645, 6x6 and 6x7 glass, I know the feeling.

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… for use on APS-C cameras, or?

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

I am presently trying to re-educate myself on RAW development…
(New releases call for new approaches, that’s why!)

X-T4 + Hexanon AR 52/1.8

Actually, I am quite pleased with this one…

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


More for the respective bodies with analog film.
But digitization would be with APS-C then. Then again, the time for really good deals seems to come to an end. 5-6 Years ago there were some spectacular deals to be had. I missed that opportunity.

5-6 Years ago there were some spectacular deals to be had.

Ach, Gnädige Bob!
Please permit me to disagree.
If you know where to look, and have a bit of patience,
splendid deals can still be had.

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In keeping with the floral macro theme, here is one from a while back with a Carl Zeiss Jenna Tessar 50mm f2.8 using an extension tube.
Resized for web, so I added a crop to show show detail.


I’ve been on the hunt for a good Jenna Tessar for quite some time — they’re common enough, but all three copies I’ve acquired thus far have stuck irises (it’s a common issue with this particular lens, but it’s a real pain to fix).

I picked mine up at an estate sale, if I recall correctly for $30. It came with an Exakta 500 and extension tubes.


Nice. It looks as though everything’s in perfect condition, too.

I am watching you!

At last I found a nice Hexanon 50mm/1.7 at a decent price :slight_smile:

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


@claes it looks like a bird swooping in!

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H.R. Giger vibes for some reason :sweat_smile:

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Can you guess who this is?

Bonus points for naming the country and town.

No cheating! :blush:

This was the only half-decent portrait shot I managed all year! :wink:


Answer: Agatha Christie — the best-selling novelist of all time — who was born in Torquay, England in 1890. To celebrate her centenary, a hand-crafted bronze bust was made in her likeness.


One of my favorite authors… but I didn’t recognize her! :flushed:

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Our Favourite Martian is about to land again:

X-T4 + Hexanon 50mm/1.7, developed in RT5.9, and framed in The Gimp.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


A short time ago, one or our potted plants, a Dypsis lutescens,
started to produce strange things. It seems as if it wanted to

This week, two things were released. They most certainly are small!
Here, they rest on a pad of ordinary printer paper. (See mouse at the back as a scale indicator.)


Here is a close-up of one of the things, enhanced by the power of imagemagick.


I wonder what might it be… A flower? A fruit? A mini-coconut?

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden