Edit #1: I removed Neon from the title since I intend to add fun new effects that I discover along the way. Feel free to share and discuss interesting stuff you have come across that don’t fit into the one-liner challenge thread (see link in original post below).
Edit #2: This is intended for new effects that you have made either from scratch or on top of other filters. Doesn’t have to be unique; just fun.
Error with updated Neon command inspired me to play around with the idea of neon lights. I started from scratch and came up with something interesting. It isn’t a One-liner challenge qualifier, so I decided to share the results.
The default setting usually work well with large images. It can take some time to process however. Here’s an image of my bike, I used 2 iterations setting on this one.
Sure; it is not in #@gui format yet. It is different from the alien map filter. Since it piqued your interest, I might consider adding it as a filter. I have to figure out GitHub and GitLab someday…
afre_ludic: skip ${1=14.5},${2=0},${3=0}
if {$1<1||$1>15}
e[] "\n NB: Argument '$"1"' is not between 1 and 15.\n" v - q fi
repeat $! l[$>]
if !$2 b 1,1,1 fi
n 0,{2^16-1} & {2^$1-1}
if $2 b 1,1,1 fi
n 0,255
if $3 negate n 0,255 fi
endl done
I have a bunch of techniques in my head but I usually forget about them. This is one of them.
1.skip is for cli and is a list of the default parameters. 2. The key line is n 0,{2^16-1} & {2^$1-1}. This filter is basically an application of bit planing.
Glad I could help. I like simple concepts and implementations. One thing to note is that the default parameter is set to 14.5, which does not represent a bit plane per se. You would need positive integers; i.e., 1,2,3,... up to the max plane.
Making a reverse command shouldn’t be difficult (without that extra commented n it’s just a case of blend add but it might require some kind of idiotproofing to cram values into a plane before recomposition.