Hello there.
I needed a something quick to download on a new machine that I could simply view some raw files with, and wound up finding an AMAZING image processing platform.
You guys did a fantastic job with this. Plenty of horse power, but ZERO BLOAT!
Ergonomic and intuitive interface. 5 stars…Raw Therapee is amazing.
My first request is to CHARGE money for a Plugin version that I can run in my other image software. I would love to have some of these functions available in a Photoshop workflow in a way that saves parameters of the Raw Therapee processes in the history panel so I can reconstruct processes later on other images.
But I have a couple questions about some of the current features in Raw Therapee.
I am using most recent build: 5.3
Windows 7 64 bit.
When loading an image the preview does not draw in all the way, and remains pixelated, I have to zoom in or out before the image looks right and become “un-pixelated”. Can I change this with a setting or re-arrange menu bars etc?
I can not see the sharpening effects at any zoom level other than 100%. As soon as I back out to 50% or 25%, etc, the image looks exactly the same as before it was sharpened. Am I doing something incorrectly?
When working on an image for first time, if I open the tone curve panel, it opens with settings from last use. Do I have a parameter set incorrectly?
Following are the suggestions that come to mind after initial usage of Therapee. Also kind of questions in case someone can tell me how to accomplish these objectives. Ill start with ones that seem more attainable.
Select color range, and alter saturation, lightness, and hue.
Raw Therapee does a fantastic job of allowing users to access refined and complex methods of color
manipulation and alteration, that even the big names have not. I am wondering if without much extra effort
the same algorithms that have already been implemented in Therapee for color manipulation could be
acessed by an interface panel that allowed the user to select a color range from the color spectrum, and
perform saturation/lightness/hue changes to just the color range selected.
Full screen mode that fills entire screen and blacks out sides for image previewing.
Would it be possible to have the full screen preview fill up the entire screen, and eliminate all task bars,
menu bars, panels, windows etc from the image? Viewing an image in it's final form without any other
distractions on the screen during the editing process is of vital importance to visualizing changes
that still need to me made to the image. It also is extremely helpful to the vast amount of users out there
using 22-24 inch monitors to be able to preview using every last bit of screen real estate available to them.
Arrange Panels according to user preference.
Is it possible to allow users to position the panels that they use frequently, near each other? For example
working on color, I often will need quick access to the global saturation, which is located under a different
tab in the exposure section.
Those are the simple suggestions, but even without them, Raw Therapee is a stellar program, especially for free. And I would easily pay to have it as a plugin for Photoshop.
Any plan in the future to implement some kind of feature for selecting areas of the image, and applying changes just to those areas?
If so I have a suggestion that I think would be way easier to implement than how Ps and Lr do it. Just make it linear. It does not have to be like an “adjustment layer” That is constantly running in real time, hogging resources. And simply save the parameters of each selection, and what was done to that area, and the if the user wants to later alter what was done to a selection, or the parameters of the selection itself, they could simply select those steps of the process, and either delete them, or alter them, and then they could just wait a few seconds for Therapee to process the different steps.
I cant believe for decades Photoshop has bungled their history panel, by not saving the parameters of the events in the History panel, and not considering a selection to be a step that gets recorded in the history panel. Then after missing that efficient and elegant solution to the problem for so long, then they come up with “adjustment layers” that just constantly run in real time, significantly limiting the amount of selections and areas of the image that can be processed simultaneously.
It would be great after many steps of processing an image, to load a different image and import the history from the other image, and simply be able to alter just the selection events to adapt the exact same parameters from the other image to the new image.
Or even to click somewhere on their “history panel” and actually know WHAT the parameters were for an event in the history of processing that image, instead of merely the filter, process, etc that was used during that step of the editing process.
In any case. Once again GREAT JOB. on this software, and I plan on using Therapee a lot more and see which functions are intrinsic to therapee are not covered in the other software in my workflow.
I have a feeling I may wind up having to export to Therapee then back to main editor, because there will be things I cant live without that Therapee either does exclusively, or does better than the other editors.
Thanks again!
: )