Let us plan for the Next Live Meeting

Let us make this a regular occurrence. Suggestions on the next live meeting are welcome. Does not necessarily have to be for the next one, but topics we may want to explore this year.

My thoughts:

  1. To accommodate other time zones, would Sat Apr 23 May or June 12:00 UTC be okay for you all?

  2. Options we did not explore last time:

  1. Other options we could explore:

This is good for me

I would have to wake up by 7 AM.

Well, not sure what can be said about it. It’s complicated, it’s slow, but it’s better.

Whatever you think is appropriate. If you don’t think it would be conducive to people’s awareness or learning, you may of course decline to present anything. I just think it is worth talking about and showing at a live meeting.

Does anyone want to meet? We could do something informal like have a 2 hour window where people pop in and out to say hello or chat. How does that sound? Or does anyone have burning questions or presentations that they want to pose or do?

Name a month and day of week you prefer. ↓↓