Local Lab build


You have the same functionalities with “exclude”, if you use “Color and Light” or “exposure”. With “exclude” you can use mask…and show modifications…

I will probably add “inverse” to “exposure”… if no one opposes

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I just push a commit
Now you can “inverse exposure” (whitout curves and mask - as Color and light)



Is running fine here

I push a commit with some improvments to

  • inverse Color and Light : Blur shape detection - Curve L=f(L) — Curve C=f(C )
  • inverse Exposure : Blur shape detection - Curve L=f(L)


@gaaned92 and @jdc,




Is running fine here.

@gaaned92 and @jdc,




Is running fine here.

Hey guys. Well, I really like RawTherapee and it became my favourite editor. Been using for a couple of months now. Coming from Lightroom, but with cinema color grading experience with DaVinci Resolve, I found that RawTherapee has a lot more creative resources than any other software for still photos. Well, ok. I recently discovered Locallab that seemed to solve the only problem I have, witch is masking and aplying local adjustments. The problem is that I really cannot use it. Seems to behave very in a very very awkward way. If I try to adjust exposure of a given area. Don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, but it seems to be related to how it works. I simply cannot do any dodge and burning, as when I put the mask where I want it to be and change the exposure, it only aplies to certaing areas, on weird ways. I guess it has to do with shape detection. Isn’t there a way to just apply it globally within the selected area and change the transitions? Don’t know if you are familiar with power masks in DaVinci Resolve, but that kind of thing is amazing. Can’t it be done?
How is locallab supposed to be used? Because at last on 100% of my trys it seemed useless - and I don’t want to seem rude as I know there is a lot of effort on developing and I thank for the work. But I really cannot understand how to use this tool for something so simple.

You’ll probably need to post an example file and pp3 to illustrate your issue.

I understand what you mean.

You can find documentation in Rawpedia (in french)

But basically you have to unlearn, work with mask and “lasso”.
If you know Capture NXD, or DxO, local controls are close (with less possibilities) in principle to those I put in place in RT.

if you want to have something that looks (a bit) like what you know - I do not recommend it at all with RT-spots - you have to set the scope values to 100.


I just push a commit with some improvments (GUI, exclude)

I recommand to clear cache


I tried to compare RT 5.5-621 vs DxO PL
RT seems to give some weird result.

First I tried to set global exposure to about the same in both progs.
Then I did local adjustment with both.
All I did was adjusting local exposure


GWR railway.RT1.jpg.out.pp3 (15.3 KB)

Increasing exposure

GWR railway.RT2.jpg.out.pp3 (15.3 KB)

I downloaded the RAW file from this thread #586


Edit. Global exposure was not the same on both prog , but it should not matter so much.

In fact there are important differences between DxO settings and RT settings whithout “local”
Look at each images…tree, sky, very different

Second point, since begginning I am not satisfied with “Exposure compensation” (the one I used in “Local” is different from “Global” but use the same principle. It really tends to overexpose too much (in local or in global)… on my list of jobs to do, there is this

But, facing this problem where parts of the image are very under-exposed, I have found an other manner

GWR railway 42.RW2jdc.pp3 (15.5 KB)

@gaaned92 and @jdc,




Is running fine here.

Adjust scope to max value and the filter will apply without any color or shape detection, then adjust transition to change the border.

@gaaned92 and @jdc,




Is running fine here.

Hello all
Thanks for testing !

I made various adjustments-modifications since my last message

Now exposure works better, and take into account “chroma”. Previous versions adjusted the exposure in lab mode by changing only the luminance
I add a slider “Chroma compensation” set to 30 by default

I think, that I will not make any changes - unless of course users request, or bug



I tried and that didn’t work well. For the kind of thing that I do the tool as it is now is useless for me :frowning_face:
I believe I’ll have to get Capture One for that.

A normal dodge and burn kind of mask (and layers?) Is not possible to do in RawTherapee, or that is just a matter of choice in developing the tool? If it is the second case, I think its really a mistake.

I mean, I don’t want a software to try to judge for itself the area to apply a setting, this just don’t make sense for me as a photographer. If i want to bring up the exposure on just one side of a face because the lighting didn’t had the right contrast ratio, I simply can’t. I didn’t know there were other programs that worked that way, and I believe they shouldn’t.

Capture One has the best features in this regard of any photo editing program, as it have booth masks, with some kind of qualifier and layers.

A Node based workflow could be wonderful also, but I think that would really be impossible to implement hehe

I’m not trying to challenge your point of view.

Did you see that there are masks in “Color and Light” and “Exposure” ?

Have you tried with multiple spot ?

Have you tried with the “Spot Method” : “Excluding spot” ?

Did you consult the documentation (in french) Local Adjustments/fr - RawPedia


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@gaaned92 and @jdc,




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@gaaned92 and @jdc,




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