Anyway, I have added a new theme named “darktable-icons” and the necessary Gtk support to show icons for those wanting that.
Thank you so much.
I want to be forward oriented, not keep living in the past and I accept lots of things with this new styling.
However, as someone else said here earlier: getting older means you have different needs. It really helps me a lot to orient within my modules, having the icons back!
Getting older, @AxelG? Why, you are just a youngster!
Those of us who have reached a proper age have
another problem with the new UI/CSS, viz. lack of contrast.
I read in the CSS that pure white and pure black are
strictly forbidden – but I feel that they are needed,
unless some clever brain can come up with even better
ideas to yield a UI with better contrast…
It isn’t just age. The majority isn’t blessed with perfect health, knowledge, wealth or fame. And so, accessibility of an app is just as if not more important than its features. It is easy to dismiss issues when you don’t have a certain disability or disadvantage. Lucky for us, there are accessibility and human interaction guidelines everywhere.
@MarcoNex, you are right, if you have font-family with multiple values GTK theming is not using anything beyond the first value - very strange.
I have even tested on my older Ubuntu machine using gtk3-demo application, it did not work either. I would be interested in how on other UX environment it is working.
Just run: gtk3-demo --run css_basics
And specify some dummy font at the first place, like: font-family: dummyfontname, Roboto, Monospace;
Yes, it seems we found a GTK bug. Now apart from the question how and when it could be fixed, the question is how shall we deal with that in our current CSS?
I am no CSS expert but there are multiple ways of doing the same thing. I am sure that someone could come up with a workaround. I mean it could be as simple as making a separate font-family declaration.
I don’t know if it is my build or just a Windows thing but using the darktable-elegant theme with Roboto font installed I am unable to see the star ratings in the lighttable view filter
If I change the theme to darktable the stars appear