New interface in darktable 2.7 (dev)

Much better (at least to me), thanks!

On previous versions, I never had thought about tweaking the css.
Now that it’s fully customizable and that I didn’t like some parts of the new look (as some people also seem to do), maybe it would of great help having that map, for those like me not used to css or UI naming conventions.

Despite that, I welcome the changes and the new general look, thanks.

You’re right, thanks.

Room for the arrows that are used to close the panels…note the arrow at the midpoint of each side…closes the top bottom and side panels…not sure if it is removable?? There are hot keys to perform those functions

Don’t make copies. Create your own CSS, inherit the default styling by adding @import url("/opt/darktable/share/darktable/themes/darktable.css") and overwrite only the needed rules.


Reading through these comments, I am reminded of some lyrics from late '90’s band 311:

F*ck the naysayers 'cause
they don't mean a thing. 
This is what style we bring.

I really like the new look and can’t wait to get acquainted with it. It appears to be WAY more efficient and user friendly. Thanks @anon41087856!

EDIT: I should say that I have some experience of these things, having been “in the room” during the development of the first GUI’s for the GRASS GIS project (first in tcl/tk, and then later in WXPython). I still remember the grumbles: “But I like starting my map displays from X-monitor!” “You want a GUI? Go use QGIS!” “Why waste time on UI? You should be making new modules instead!”. But in the end, the result of that GUI and all subsequent UI development was that GRASS went from a fairly obscure niche GIS with a very small user base to one of the most popular GIS packages in the world (either closed or open). To those with grumbles about changing things, I quote the Buddah, “All life is suffering.”

Thank you, @gadolf
Still no changes:

as you can see, the words “destination, red, green” etc are still small.

DE? Not sure what that is but to give you some specs, I’m using Darktable 2.7.0+1026 on Windows 10pro.
I tweaked the overall font size of Windows in the control panel: 130% for the text bigger option and 125% under “make everything bigger” and it works for the other software installed.

Edit: @gadolf I can confirm that changing the styles in that section doesn’t have any effect whatsover. To make a test, I changed the condensed style to a regular style (and Roboto is properly installed on my PC):

  background-color: @bg_color;
  padding: 0 2pt 2pt 0.5em;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-family: "Roboto","Segoe UI", sans-serif;
  font-size: 1.1em;

But I still see the condensed font instead.

I do have the same issue, with Roboto font installed under windows.
When I comment the font-stretch statement (in darktable-elegant theme), the error messages have gone but I get this :

Probably still few adjustments to come, but what a great job ! Bravo @anon41087856.

I don’t have this side effect.
I run DT on a 27" 4k display, perhaps the result depends on the resolution as well.
Unfortunately the developers don’t seem to take too seriously our feedback about DT on Windows…
Perhaps we should team up and make a good theme for Windows

I doubt they are not taking the Windows based feedback seriously, more that as they are developing on Linux they are not able to reproduce the issues.
It would make sense to extend the existing themes for Windows.

Let’s put this in perspective: you’re using bleeding edge software and this thread is a week old.


I have the maximum respect for the developers and I admire what they do.
I didn’t want to offend anyone.


This feedback is not necessarily based on the new interface but it does bring it to light with bigger fonts. I often have the item/value overlap (because my system fonts are set to 150%). The values are shortened with “…” when they don’t fit the space, but the items are not and should be in my opinion. Screenshots make this more clear.

Screenshot%20from%202019-04-20%2017-54-51 Screenshot%20from%202019-04-20%2017-53-57

Other than that I had to resize the sidebars so that I wouldn’t have to scroll, it wasn’t super intuitive to find out I could do that in the settings but having that option in the first place is good enough.

That setting is for the border around the image area in Darkroom, not for a border around the whole darktable window.

The devs don’t use Windows. It’s not that we don’t take it seriously, it’s that we don’t have any debugging box on Win, so the best we can do is use our imagination to figure out the cause of the issue. (Only @peterbud runs Win).

Make all the themes you want, the problem is not the theming part, but having GTK apply it correctly on an OS where it is not native.

And I answer almost every day. And there have been 5 or 6 patches already in master since then.

It is arguable that controls labels should be shortened. Modules names can be shortened and still be recognizable, but sliders controls can become really unreadable if they are massively shortened. I suggest you just enlarge the sidebar, and maybe we could make another pass on labels to make them shorter by default.

The shortcut B should hide/display the outer border with the collapsing arrows, and you can edit it in your prefs.


You have not understood how opensource works. and showing this kind of attitude will make sure your feedback lands at the bottom of the list to be considered. ask yourself how you would react if someone spoke to you like this.

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I’m traveling whole week, and won’t have time to look at the latest changes with split CSS before weekend. I recall I have built the latest version before the CSS split and worked fine on Windows 10.

I have no time now, but I would try to add the couple font weight / font size directives to places like this and see if you nail it:


I’m not saying that this is the correct place, but maybe it’s not so far…

EDIT: @andrayverysame On a trial and error basis, I think I found the right place. In case you don’t want to mess with fonts on the right panel, just duplicate this section like the image below. Otherwise, add the last four lines that show in the #iop-plugin-ui section below:

Just take notice that it also seems to affect Lighttable right panel.

This is how it looks with 1.2em font:
(notice the different size of the “search” label and filmic labels)

In summary, while someone doesn’t release some kind of map associating css sections to screen sections, we have to do trial and error attempts.

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Stay up to date with the latest CSS file.

@gadolf Thank you for your help!
That worked, I added the font-size declaration to the #iop-plugin-ui and it did the trick.


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Yes, waiting to see that happening. As said many time, we can’t fix something that we are not seeing. People on MacOS and Windows must team-up as it is currently the case for Linux. That’s the only way to keep those two platforms to quality.

As I understand we have a single dev on Windows and a single dev on MacOS.