New Windows builds

Age is catching up with me. I see that you answered this question earlier. Sorry.
Thanks for your response.

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Thanks @sguyader and developers!
is running fine here :slight_smile:

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Thanks @sguyader, uploading…

You can see the branch merges in graph form here: Network Graph · Beep6581/RawTherapee · GitHub


I just uploaded new Windows 64-bit builds here:

  • Master branch 4.2.788
  • Gtk3 branch 4.2.915

(both Release and Debug)


And Windows 32 bit are here

  • Master branch 4.2.788
  • Gtk3 branch 4.2.915

(both Release and Debug)

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I just uploaded new Windows 64-bit builds here:

  • Master branch 4.2.797
  • Gtk3 branch 4.2.927

(both Release and Debug)


@gaaned92 could you also provide a master release+debug build for XP?

I’ll upload @sguyader and @gaaned92 builds to the site tomorrow.

Andre, both 4.2.788 and 4.2.915GTK3 failed to start because libpcre-1.dll could not be found


First, many thanks for your constant efforts to post new releases of Master branch and Gtk3 versions. I do appreciate your hard work.

Perhaps it is asking too much, however I would find it helpful if you could include a brief summary of what significant changes have been made to the latest version compared to the immediate preceeding release. This would help me decide if I should replace the version I am currently using (with no obvious problems) with the latest release.

@mikesan In the AboutThisBuild.txt of each version there is a Changeset information. You can use this information to check for differences between two versions by looking here.


Many thanks for your reply. It remains to figure out correspondence between the release date and the version number.

I am awayfrom home until end of april and thus not able to build.

@ilias_giarimis I will check when back home

@mikesan, if you follow the link given by Ingo, at the right of each commit you’ll see a suite of 7 characters, which are the first 7 characters of the Changeset number. For example, the last commit’s changeset starts with f7af57d, and you’ll find these characters in the current build’s AboutThisBuild.txt because I made it from this stage.
If you still have the previous build I uploaded, find the changeset in it’s AboutThisBuild.txt, read the first 7 characters of its changeset, then follow Ingo’s link and locate the corresponding commit: you’ll then see what changes have been commited between the two version.


Many thanks for taking the time to answer with this detailed instruction. Now that I have the “secret decoder ring” I will be able to find my way. Again, thanks.

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I just uploaded new Windows 64-bit builds here:

  • Master branch 4.2.808
  • Gtk3 branch 4.2.942

Both branches are at the same stage. Enjoy!


Even fresher Windows 64-bit builds have been uploaded here:

  • Master branch 4.2.814
  • Gtk3 branch 4.2.950

With these builds and from now on, RT now supports the Rec. 2020 Colorspace.


Hi Sebastien,

after my upgrade from Win8.1 to Win10 I also have the problem that RawTherapee (4.2.905) needs about 4 minutes to start. The options menue is also opened very slow and makes the GUI freeze for a while.
I deleted the …\AppData\Local\RawTherapee folder, but unfortunatelly this didn’t change anything…
I don’t get any pop-up (except the one shown at first startup after installation or deleting options).

Any more ideas how I could fix this issue?
Thanks in advance!

(edit: A registry cleanup and reinstall didn’t help, too)

@Flash try using the latest gtk3 version.
If the problem persists, try setting the ClutsDirectory key in the options file to point to an existing and empty folder.

New Windows 32-bit builds(release and debug) are here

  • master branch 4.2.830

  • GTK3 branch 4.2.967

@gaaned92 uploading.
Hi @sguyader, I would like to upload a new gtk3 build which includes the Hald CLUT speedup merge, so commit 5294d2 or newer. If it’s not too much of a problem, could you make a new one? That is also to let pi99y try to reproduce his crash using the new HaldCLUT code.