Newbie having problems with highlights


I am pretty new to darktable on Mac while trying to switch away from Capture One.

One thing I am struggling with a lot are highlights. I have tried the tone equalizer and filmic but Capture One still gives me better results when the sky is overexposed. I am attaching the RAW file and JPEGs I have processed with Capture One and darktable. As you can see the branches at the top of the image have much more detail than what I have been able to achieve with darktable. The sky also looks better in Capture One.

I am using the scene referred workflow.

any ideas how to approach this?

2020-12-19-X-T3-DSCF3006.RAF (23.0 MB)
Capture One



DT 3.4

2020-12-19-X-T3-DSCF3006.RAF.xmp (8,7 KB)

The image looks weird, as if it were a composite. Zooming in on the top-right corner:

have you tried the setting reconstruct LCh in the highlights reconstruction module and the reconstruct settings in filmic?

Here is my attempt:

Important steps are:

Highlight reconstruction:


Custom white balance in color calibration module:


and highlight reconstruction in filmic module:


2020-12-19-X-T3-DSCF3006.RAF.xmp (11,5 KB) (darktable developer ver. 3.5.0~git654.616308c7b-1)


imo you get hefty purple fringing with c1

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exposure compensation, HLrecovery, tone curve, tone equalize, WB, local contrast, some local color correction

You’re right. I didn’t take that into account. Here is without:


My attempt in darktable 3.4.

2020-12-19-X-T3-DSCF3006.RAF.xmp (14.1 KB)

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@pdvpjepj: In case you’re not aware, you can load development settings not only from XMPs, but also JPG output (so you can download @s7habo’s last image, and in darktable use the load sidecar file button:
Then switch the file selector to show all files and pick the downloaded JPG:

And the lighttable is updated (you can make a duplicate of the image before you do this, and load the history stack into that copy):


I don’t understand this: are the settings embedded into the jpg? Or does dt do something similar to the auto-matched curve in RT?

You can only do this if the JPG was exported using darktable, AND darktable embedded the processing settings. WIth 3.4, there is a ‘cogwheel’ icon next to ‘export’ button:

See “Export selected” in the darktable usermanual under the ‘metadata’ heading.
On the master branch, you have a preferences item in the ‘hamburger menu’ of the module.


Double filmic, wow! :slight_smile:

Yes. I always test new combinations :wink: :upside_down_face:

It looks like the last image was a screen dump not an uploaded jpg so not sure this would still work I haven’t had a chance to try…if so @s7habo what tweak did you add to the updated image…

I masked fringe and corrected colors with color balance module .

Thanks…so likely just a parametric mask and then a color tweak??.I sometimes use the autodesaturate picker in CZ module and select on something like that then bump the mixer around if needed…that can work pretty well too I have found

It’s a real darktable export; it is the file I used in the screenshots above.

Would you care to explain the thought process behind the steps? E.g. how did it occur to you to use two filmic instances; and how did you figure out what highlight restoration settings to use with filmic?

Looks really good. Much better than c1. Looking at the C1 and some DT examples I thought just crop that top part. But your image really makes the sky look like not being heavily blown.