Trying out night photography with some rough and ready “cinematic” grading (heavy on the green)
20231212_0062.DNG (27.3 MB) 20231212_0062.DNG.xmp (21.3 KB)
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Trying out night photography with some rough and ready “cinematic” grading (heavy on the green)
This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.
20231212_0062-1.jpg.out.arp (11.7 KB)
My try in ART 1.21 / macOS.
The bloom is interesting
I like this shot. Especially the Christmas tree in the window!
Decided I like the details on the darker right hand side… so created a bit of a mess of modules in darktable to bring them out. Some of it possibly not best practice… particularly shifting the raw black points to try to get rid of the red cast of noise that was present after pushing the exposure something like 5EV.
Nice job. I had the same red noise so left them in the shadows and gave a green wash to counter the magenta round that corner but you managed it better.
I also liked the Christmas tree
I tried importing your xml file but it didn’t look as contrasty on my screen. I must be doing something wrong or there are some modules that aren’t updating properly for some reason
I can’t add my version.
Does it happen to anyone else?
Hmmm. I am running a recent weekly windows build. I didn’t think I used any of the new features but maybe that affected things. I’ll try loading my edit in 4.4.2 later and see what happens…
Yes… it doesn’t look right…
I think it’s just sigmoid. It flashed an error message about a module mismatch too…
Start with my xmp, then switch on sigmoid and push contrast up to about 2.5. I think that’s a match.
Cool, will try
Great edit from @dqpcoxeas - love it! Now I’m hesitating to upload my version.
I just played along with the picture - the more I played, the more I liked it actually …