RawTherapee 5.7 Released plus a new website!

It’s @Carmelo_DrRaw’s build just now:

Version: 5.7
Branch: releases
Commit: f335efe6a
Commit date: 2019-09-10
Compiler: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc\ 8.2.0
Processor: generic x86
System: Windows
Bit depth: 64 bits
Gtkmm: V3.24.1
Lensfun: V0.3.2.0
Build type: Release
Build flags: -mwin32\ -m64\ -mthreads\ -msse2\ -std=c++11\ -mtune=generic\ -Werror=unused-label\ -Wall\ -Wuninitialized\ -Wcast-qual\ -Wno-deprecated-declarations\ -Wno-unused-result\ -fopenmp\ -Werror=unknown-pragmas\ -Wno-aggressive-loop-optimizations\ -DNDEBUG\ -O3\ -ftree-vectorize
Link flags: -m64\ -mthreads\ -static-libgcc\ -mtune=generic\ -s\ -O3
OpenMP support: ON
MMAP support: ON

Well, that looks like plain 5.7 release. Of course without cs… I guess his next 5.7 dev build will have cs

I am getting C:\Users\afre\AppData\Local\RawTherapee5--dev.

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As already said I have a c:\Users\XX\AppData\Local\RawTherapee5-dev instead of c:\Users\XX\AppData\Local\RawTherapee as usual, so all previous settings are lost, along profiles and so on.

My 2 cent about the new website, that looks very nice except for:

  • Forum and Documentation links (also Code, if you think) should be moved into the top fixed bar, together with Downloads, etc.
  • The big splitted color wheel is quite horrible. It’s just an opinion. I removed it by a block filter :wink: Much better now. Less chaos.
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Can someone tell me how/where I can get the MacOSX version of RT 5.7? I see only the Linux, Windows, and source for RT 5.7 on the downloads page. Thanks.

If there’s anything I dislike about the new site, it’s this particular point. The RT logo seems to be just too large - and in fact BOTH of them are cut off on my screen, in a distractingly asymmetric manner. Perhaps a bug that only affects some browsers? Chrome on Ubuntu 19.04 here:

It just reminds me too much of those “classic” websites that have a repeating background image…

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Nope, that’s how it looked in the mock-up, and that’s how it should look in the browser.

The mac version is on it’s way, hang tight.

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@bluc The one @Carmelo_DrRaw asked us to try has two hyphens before dev, so is slightly different from our previous ones.

Please let me know if this is a bug or intended behavior. If its a bug, I’ll file a bug report.

When I installed 5.7 and tried to use an old profile I noticed that my film sim was not applied. After digging into the pp3, I figured out what happened:

My film sim was in the folder “C:\Program Files\RawTherapee\5.4\HaldClut\Fujifilm XTrans III”.

In version 5.6 my HaldClut folder was set to C:\Program Files\RawTherapee\5.4\HaldClut
When I installed 5.7 it defaulted my HaldClut folder one level down to the ‘Fujifilm Xtrans III’ folder so the pp3 no longer pointed to the right place.

My assumption is that RT looks for HaldCluts on install and makes that the default folder rather than looking for a folder called HaldClut. And since there were no other HaldCluts in the the main folder it assumed I wanted it to be one level down. This, however, broke my backwards compatibility of my profile.

pp3 created using 5.6

[Film Simulation]
ClutFilename=Fujifilm XTrans III\Fuji XTrans III - Astia.png

pp3 re-created using 5.7

[Film Simulation]
ClutFilename=Fuji XTrans III - Astia.png

Looks like RT made it in the ‘main stream’ internet: RawTherapee 5.7 update brings new Film Negative tool, improved star ratings: Digital Photography Review

Well done!


Well deserved IMO.

Great news :slight_smile: - unfortunetly with the ver 5.7 of RawTherapee possibility of use it as GIMP 2.10.12 (and earlier) plug-in for RAW developement has dissapeared (while with ver. 5.6 works ok)
(Windows compilation)

Anyone with UI experience knows that bright colors like green (unless it’s pastel green) is very hard on your eyes whether you realize it or not and should be avoided at all costs as it’s been shown to greatly shorten how long a user stays on a site.

The rule is soft or pastel colors which are easier on the eyes and visitors tend to stay on a site longer. Look at any MAJOR website (like google, etc…) and you’ll see this and usually along with that is a lot of whitespace.

Yes, this look correct now AFAIK.

Oooops! I still had a typo in my build scripts, and the cache folder was still not set correctly in the release case. Now hopefully everything is fixed!

@Morgan_Hardwood @gaaned92 @afre @heckflosse: could you please check the new package (https://github.com/Beep6581/RawTherapee/releases/download/nightly/RawTherapee_5.7_WinVista_64.exe)?

Also, I propose to rename the zip file to RawTherapee_5.7_WinVista_64.zip (the current automatically generated name is RawTherapee_releases-win64-5.7.zip, which is a bit too long for a release package…).

There are a few ways to install Rawtherapee as a GIMP plugin: automatic with installer or manual.
I suppose that you let the installer do the job. I suppose also you made a multiuser installation.

  • first uninstall all RT installations and reinstall RT.

  • If it still doesn’t work, could you verify that it is ok using regedit.
    In regedit verify that:
    \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\rawtherapee.exe contains the full path to your installed rawtherapee.exe
    same for Rawtherapee-cli.exe

installation in "C:\Program Files\RawTherapee\5.7"
cache name: rawtherapee

Yes the short name is sufficient for stable releases as there is no confusion possible.

That’s not the case effectively for development releases where we need all configuration details (branch, commit…)

So this is correct now?

It is correct now. Thanks

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@chaimav Are you on Windows?

If it is the case, due to a typo in the installer generation, the configuration folder was wrongly set to Rawtherapee5-dev instead of Rawtherapee.
That can explain the issue as the option file was not the good one.
Correction is on the way.

At installation, no such search is done. The application searches for the otion file in the configuration folder and applies the parameters found.