RawTherapee Website release post (aka: we're not dead yet)

This will be on the RT website as a news post.

Just a few good talking points and/or a link to further documentation or descriptions for me to get the gist of things. I think I understand local adjustments not after reading the rawpedia entry.

@XavAL aleo designed the entire rawpedia theme we are using. (Ty!)

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My problem at the moment is that I need to get control of the RawTherapee domain name to push these changes to the main website correctly I think.

Can anyone help me with contact info for Gabor if he’s still the owner? @heckflosse - any guidance to reach him?

@patdavid @Lawrence37

Of course I have already mentioned @XavAL , in Wavelet Javier Bartol (C)

But I would like to point out the importance of Wayne Sutton’s work @Wayne_Sutton of course it is not a translation, but he is the one who has often detected malfunctions, but above all he has written the “Tooltips”, “titles”, “chapters”, etc; and the documentation of “Local adjustments” in real English (my english is bad near “franglais”). It is this “good quality” basis that other translators (German, etc.) use.


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I’m busy sifting through RawPedia to identify contributors to the documentation. Until that’s finished, here’s more relevant pages for some of the new features.
Waveform and Vectorscope (Spanish)
Camera-Based Perspective Correction
Spot Removal
Color-Correlation Auto WB

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According to RawPedia’s history tracker, these user accounts have been active since the release of 5.8:
Benitoite / @HIRAM : MacOS.
DrSlony / @Morgan_Hardwood : Keyboard Shortcuts, Lensfun, Sidecar Files, and using Adobe DNG Converter.
Gaaned92 / @gaaned92 : Windows.
Jdc / @jdc : English and French additions to Local Adjustments, CIECAM02, White Balance, Color Management, ICC Profile Creator, and more.
Lebarhon : French version of Color Management, How to create DCP color profiles, and MacOS.
Mica / @paperdigits : Wavelets.
Patdavid / @patdavid : RawPedia Book.
Pxlcore : German version of Getting Started.
Thanatomanic / @Thanatomanic : Several additions and updates to Download, Windows/Linux, Getting Started, Spot Removal, and more.
XavAL / @XavAL : Extensive additions and updates to many pages in the Spanish version and also several contributions to the English version.
Yz2house : Extensive additions and edits to the Japanese version across many pages.

The list above is solely based on the records in RawPedia. In addition to who Jacques Desmis has credited, I am aware of the following:
Paco Lorés / @paco.lores : Extensive additions to the Spanish version in collaboration with XavAL.

A more detailed list of contributions can be found in my notes:


Keyboard Shortcuts
Sidecar Files
Adobe DNG Converter


Local Adjustments (en/fr)
Toolchain Pipeline
CIECAM02 (en/fr)
White Balance (en/fr)
Vibrance (en/fr)
Color Management (en/fr)
Noise Reduction / Denoise (en/fr)
Edges and Microcontrast (en/fr)
ICC Profile Creator (en/fr)

Color Management (fr)
How to create DCP color profiles (fr)
MacOS (fr)


RawPedia Book

Getting Started (de)

Getting Started
Color Management
Local Contrast
Dynamic Range Compression
Spot Removal
Sidecar Files

Demosaicing (es)
Wavelets (en/es)
Color Toning (es)
Soft Light (es)
Black and White (es)
Toolchain Pipeline (es)
Keyboard Shortcuts (es)
Adding Support for New Raw Formats (es)
Editor (es)
Bit Depth (es)
The Floating Point Engine (es)
Getting Started (es)
Download nightly builds (es)
Sensor with Bayer/X-Trans Matrix (es)
Preprocessing (es)
Dark-Frame (es)
Color Management (es)
Tone Mapping (es)
Edges and Microcontrast (es)
Chromatic Aberration (es)
ICC Profile Creator (es)
Graduated Filter (es)
File Browser (es)
Edit Current Image in External Editor (es)
Vignetting Filter (es)
Coding RawPedia Pages
RGB Curves (es)
Raw Black Points (es)
Raw White Points (es)
Haze Removal (es)
Impulse Noise Reduction (es)
Defringe (es)
Capture Sharpening (en/es)
How to convert raw formats to DNG
Making a Portable Installation (es)
Queue (es)
Saving Images (es)
GIMP Plugin (es)
Batch-Sync (es)
File Paths (es)
Command-Line Options (es)
Batch Adjustments - Sync (es)
Download (es)

Toolchain Pipeline (jp)
CIECAM02 (jp)
Local Adjustments (jp)
How to convert raw formats to DNG (jp)
Download (jp)
How to create DCP color profiles (jp)
MacOS (jp)
The Image Editor Tab (jp)
Noise Reduction (jp)
Capture Sharpening (jp)
General Comments About Some Toolbox Widgets (jp)
Wavelets (jp)
Comparison of the 3 RawTherapee noise reduction tools (jp)
Film Negative (jp)
Linux (jp)
Sidecar Files (jp)
Lens/Geometry (jp)
Windows (jp)
Edges and Microcontrast (jp)
White Balance (jp)
Color Management (jp)
About Noise Reduction (jp)
ICC Profile Creator (jp)
Resize (jp)
Dynamic Range Compression (jp)
Vibrance (jp)

Paco Lores
Demosaicing (es)
Sensor with Bayer/X-Trans Matrix (es)
Preprocessing (es)
Dark-Frame (es)
Tone Mapping (es)
Color Toning (es)
Vignetting Filter (es)
Graduated Filter (es)
Chromatic Aberration (es)
RGB Curves (es)
Raw Black Points (es)
Raw White Points (es)
Haze Removal (es)
Edges and Microcontrast (es)
Impulse Noise Reduction (es)
Defringe (es)
Soft Light (es)
Capture Sharpening (es)
Black and White (es)
Editor (es)
Making a Portable Installation (es)
Queue (es)
Saving Images (es)
Toolchain Pipeline (es)
ICC Profile Creator (es)
GIMP Plugin (es)
File Paths (es)
Command-Line Options (es)
Edit Current Image in External Editor (es)
Color Management (es)
Batch-Sync (es)
Batch Adjustments - Sync (es)
Adding Support for New Raw Formats (es)
Download (es)
RGB and Lab (es)

Finally, I want to point out that there is still time for more contributions. For example:
@Entropy512 has been cleaning up the default language file.
Javier and Paco have a Spanish translation for RawTherapee.
Martin has a German translation, as indicated above.
mogensjaeger provided a Danish translation.

edit: Added mogensjaeger’s translation.



The work done by @Lawrence37 Lawrence37 is very relevant, it shows the people who intervened on Rawpedia (of course those who have rights)
I want to mention the remarkable work done by @XavAL to improve Rawpedia, especially with new tools

I remind, and this is what I think @Lawrence37 implies, that there are other contributions to Rawtherapee;

  • For Rawpedia, the Spanish and English version of Wavelet was made after several months of exchanges between myself and @XavAL , @Wayne_Sutton , including the concept of “Attenuation response” (of course being myself one of the main developers who worked on wavelet, I do not appear in Rawpedia).

  • For Rawtherapee, @heckflosse does not appear in Rawpedia, but whether it is for “Local adjustments”, “Wavelet”, etc. his contribution has been major, as well as other developers including @floessie , and @Lawrence37, etc…

  • And I recall again the very important role played by @Wayne_Sutton for all the tools and documentation of the English version (titles, tooltips,…, rawpedia) to which I contributed.



Just a quick update.
I’m still going to write this, but I’ve been tied up this past week or so.

We are not going to get anywhere until I can reach the owner of the domain rawtherapee.com.
As I understand it, Gabor still own the domain name.
So I switched to finding Gabor as the others have gone missing. I believe I’ve found him and sent him an email a few minutes ago to check. If it is him I’m going to ask him to transfer the domain to me and I’ll see about migrating the web stuff into our infrastructure (assuming @darix has time to walk through some of it with me).

Once we do that we can publish the post as well as new release information again. Fingers crossed.


Another quick update. I located Gabor and have emailed with him.

I haven’t tested yet but he has offered access to the hosting provider for the site and we will probably migrate the hosting to our infrastructure here in a little while (when I get off my lazy ass to sit down with @darix and learn a couple of things).

I did ask if he wanted to transfer the domain to us but it seems that he would like to keep control if possible. That’s totally fine with me but I will see if he’d be willing to share access or something just in case in the future - or perhaps just keep in touch which would also work.

I’m shifting gears to try and write some more this week!


Three of the new features do not have documentation in RawPedia, so I will try to explain them here. The other ones I hope are sufficiently documented. Let me know @patdavid if you think otherwise. I’m not an expert at all the new features, but will try my best to fill in any gaps.

Full-Screen/Detached Inspector

In the preferences, the full-screen inspector can be activated. When enabled, the inspector tab on the right panel of the file browser no longer appears. Instead, it is invoked by hovering the cursor over an image, then pressing and holding the f key. A new window will appear showing the entire embedded image in full-screen. Letting go of the f key will close the inspector window. Alternatively, pressing and holding Shift-f opens the inspector with the image at 100% zoom.

Clicking anywhere inside the inspector window while it is open will pin it. This allows further inspection of the image by panning (click-and-drag) and zooming (scrolling). Pressing f or Shift-f will fit the image to the window and zoom to 100%, respectively. The pinned inspector behaves like a normal window. This means it is possible to toggle the full-screen status, resize it, and move it around. The inspector can even be placed on a different screen for multi-monitor setups.

The detached inspector retains the image navigation of the tabbed inspector. By moving the cursor over the thumbnails in the file browser, one can inspect various regions of the image or switch between images.

Improved Film Negative

Film Negative made its appearance in RawTherapee 5.7. It inverts raw images of film negatives while accounting for the light response properties of film. Film Negative has been revamped to solve some of its shortcomings. The preview updates quicker when making adjustments, and a raw image is no longer required to enable the tool. Consequently, Film Negative now lives in the Color tab.

White balance has been split into two parts. The first stage involves setting the proper white balance of the backlight using the standard White Balance tool. Following the inversion process, the white balance of the scene recorded in the film can be adjusted within the Film Negative tool.

Dual-Demosaic with Bilinear

Several dual-demosaic options already exist in RawTherapee. They blend the results of two demosaicing algorithms together, using the one better suited for fine details on high-contrast areas of the image, and the one better suited for smooth regions on low-contrast areas.

Bilinear demosaicing is a fast method that produces good results for smooth regions. Three new dual-demosaic options combine bilinear demosaicing with AMaZE, RCD, and DCB.


@Lawrence37 ,
Full-Screen/Detached Inspector is a very nice feature! To complete the doc it might be helpful to add that closing the tagged inspector windows needs clicking ‘Escape’ (that’s what I found out…).

Ahh, yes. I forgot to add that. Thanks for pointing that out.

I am making some headway with some more writing and summaries (based on my, admittedly limited, understanding of some of these awesome new features).

I am still wanting to finish the general sections and their descriptions to make sure they make sense and I will also try to include either in each section or in it’s own list the contributions from developers in each feature (as mentioned by @jdc above.

I have also been in touch with Gabor and he has given me access to the webhost for the site - which means we can now publish and update the main website ourselves (the other pixls admins @paperdigits and @darix also have this information just in case I’m lost at sea :wink: ).

I’m going my best to incorporate all the great information y’all are putting in this thread. Once I get to a reasonable point I’ll solicit feedback from everyone again to make sure it looks good and that I’m not missing anything. Once we like how it looks we can publish!

(Side note - there will need to be an ongoing discussion about the process for further updates and releases with the team. I’m hoping to wire up the webhost with a gitlab runner so any commits to master will automatically get pushed out to the webhost - but that’s something for me to worry about once we’re done.)


Hi @patdavid, thank you so much for the effort! I was (am) on a leave of absence, otherwise I would have helped out too. I am very much in favor of your proposed discussion about future updates (and more general, project maintenance).

FYI: Morgan has made some reply recently on GitHub about preparing the release and Lawrence pointed him here for info (https://github.com/Beep6581/RawTherapee/issues/5632#issuecomment-1192169384). His profile page indicates he has not visited the forum yet. Regardless of what happens soon-ish with a release, publishing the update post is still a good thing.


Given the work put into RT and time to discuss its direction and release, I am predicting the upcoming release will be glorious. We should have a live/hybrid meeting to celebrate! :partying_face::pleading_face:


Hybrid sounds good!

You can use these screenshots to show the Camera-based Perspective tool interface. The main points of the tool are

  • Set the correct focal length to get an accurate correction
  • Correct the horizontal and/or vertical directions by dragging the sliders, drawing control lines, or clicking one of the automatic buttons
  • If desired, make additional adjustments after the correction with the Post-correction adjustments and Recovery. Examples include re-centering the image and adding back some tilt.




Have improvements also been made between 5.8 and 5.8 Dev? I ran a negative scan through it the other day and it seemed like I was able to get better results than I have before. I’ll do some more to confirm, of course, but I was just wondering about that feature.

So I grabbed a nightly to test some things out and needed the Camera-based Perspective tool. I was going to try drawing control lines and instead hit one of the automatic buttons et voila. Perfect. One click. That was awesome :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: .


Are these listed somewhere with some explanations I can read to include them?