Snowy Waterfall at Noon

@fireball That looks great! I think the exposure mask helped a lot here.

I agree, I also like the split of warmer and colder tones here.

… and now for something completely different.

DSCF1773.RAF.xmp (10.4 KB)

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I think it’s interesting that both @sls141 and @Thomas_Do posted B&W versions of the scene. I just so happened to also photograph this scene with B&W 35 mm film (Kodak Tri-X 400). Unfortunately I underexposed a little, as I never used film in snow before. However, I love the contrast between the rock and snow.
Here’s the digitized negative, processed with negadoctor. I could probably extract more from it, but I’ve been keeping the film digitization as simple as possible:

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Yes, I think this photo is perfect for B&W takes. Or B&W+colour. :wink:

even its been sunny with blue sky, i’d like to keep the colors cooler

DSCF1773.RAF.pp3 (20,7 KB)
thx for sharing!

edit: upload corrected pp3-file

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thanks for posting,
dt 3.4.1

DSCF1773_01.RAF.xmp (29.8 KB)


I think that B&W really helps in getting the maximum texture out of the rocks. Here is an attempt with RawTherapee 5.8.
DSCF1773.jpg.out.pp3 (12.2 KB)


@shreedhar I agree, B&W works really well here.

Thanks to everyone else who posted their edits. It’s definitely given me some ideas on how to improve my own workflow.

Wow, this is great, thanks!

I’m just in a monochrome mood today…

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DSCF1773.RAF.xmp (11,5 KB)

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DSCF1773-1.jpg.out.pp3 (14.2 KB)


Wow, this one was very difficult. Here is my attempt with RawTherapee Dev and multiple local adjustments.
DSCF1773-1 (2)

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Hi @Zbyma72age and welcome!

Can you post your sidecar file and/or tell us about your edit?

The problem with the answer is that I don’t know the English language at all.
So I’ll use Googl.
I always try to make Processing as simple as possible.
I have been working and developing GIMP guides for many years.
The RAW file can of course be opened in GIMP via darktable.
But I use SNS-HDR Lite very often (for the sake of simplicity) and I am just opening such a file in GIMP. Work in 32 bit …
Then I generally use mode LAB.
In the L channel denoise, sharpening
Channels A and B possible color enhancement.
My tutorial:

but as I said only in Polish.
Who wants to understand it.

forum grandfather, 87 years old


dt 3.4.1

DSCF1773.RAF.xmp (10.1 KB)

Witamy w PIXLS! Dla wyjaśnienia, czy masz 72 czy 87 lat? Podejrzewam, że jest to autoportret na stronie 47 twojego samouczka, ale szacuję, że osoba ma 72 lata, a nie 87. Mam 72 lata.

Czy miałbyś przypadkiem dostępny samouczek jako dokument Word?

Welcome to PIXLS! Just to clarify, are you 72 or 87? I suspect that is a self-portrait on page 47 of your tutorial, but I would estimate the person to be 72 rather than 87. I am 72.

Would you have the tutorial available as a Word document, by any chance?

Niestety czas płynie nieubłaganie ale to już 87 lat
Ilustracja ze strony 47 zapożyczona z Internetu.
Pierwszy poradnik dotyczący GIMP napisałem chyba w 2006r
Od 31 lat jestem już na emeryturze Ha Ha Ha

Wydaje się, że czas był dla ciebie łaskawy; wiele osób, które znam, młodszych od ciebie, nie ma tak bystrego umysłu jak ty.