summer portrait

Hi guys,
I just wanted to share this one with you. I was doing a portrait shooting and I liked this one. However, I would like to make the most of it by giving little adjustments with rawtherapee.
My main goal is to lighten up the face a bit because the hat is throwing a shade and also to sharpen it up as my photos still tend to come out a bit soft. The picture is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
I also added my attempt in order to give you an idea of what I am talking about

_DSC5565.ARW (23.7 MB)

_DSC5565pixl.jpg.out.pp3 (11.9 KB)


Can you please add a license to your file? We prefer creative commons

Ha ha, I read throwing shade. Thanks for sharing!

Is it fine like that? I’m sorry I have never given a license before :grin:

This might help you decide which license is best for you: Choose a License.

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_DSC5565.ARW.xmp (11.1 KB) _DSC5565_01.ARW.xmp (11.4 KB)

My attempt at a “portrait” from this photo. I found the bright sky and background somewhat distracting so I decide to eliminate as much as possible but retain the golden glow in her hair.


I liked the soft look on the face. Brings out the character of the person and also suits the mood of the photo (make love, not war kind of look). Nice shot @fwolny.
Here is an attempt with RawTherapee 5.7
_DSC5565.jpg.out.pp3 (12.4 KB)

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_DSC5565g.pfi (38.3 KB)

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nice shot! I like it a lot – thanks for sharing. Here a couple of versions, colorful and faded.


one more (and then I’ll stop :slight_smile:

RawTherapee 5.7:

_DSC5565-4.jpg.out.pp3 (11.5 KB)

darktable 2.6.2
_DSC5565.jpg.xmp (1,4 Ko)