the darktable 3.0 video series

No. The module works in whatever workflow. But what it does is linked to light emissions, and therefore works better if performed in scene-linear. Yet it works in a display-referred space (Lab). So… anywhere you put it will be wrong. Just pick the least bad.

Or use the contrast equalizer (checkout the deblurring presets).

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Thank you, this was most helpful.

@anon41087856 thank you for the excellent videos very helpful. Can’t wait to see the tone equalizer video. I have been mainly using it by making a subtle u shape seems to look nice in my landscapes. Not sure why.

For the most part it seems I have been using filmic reasonably well but I learned much that clarified things which will make me fight less with it and possibly get quicker better results. I was avoiding the look settings now I don’t have to now that I know what they do.

I do have a question in your first filmic specific video you mentioned deprecated modules in dt. Is there a list of such modules for potential avoidance of use?

If not it may be feasible to make such a list. Would be easier then marking them all in tooltips and such.

Deprecated modules are not shown anymore in UI for fresh edits, and will appear only for old edits using them (so you can change the settings or disable them).

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Excellent thanks for the answer.

Nice video, thank you.

Awesome, thanks!

Excellent lectures. Kudos!

3) darktable 3.0 : workflow improvements

I know I told the next video would be tone equalizer, but I need to redo it due to newer questions. Anyway, recording it right before Christmas was a bad idea, I was exhausted. So, let’s do UI stuff first.


4) Dodging and burning with the tone equalizer

Good news : understand how the tone equalizer works and how it can help you achieve what filmic couldn’t to even the exposure between different zones in your pictures, with a chrominance-preserving algorithm, in darktable 3.0.

Bad news: I compiled darktable with Clang (instead of the usual GCC) and the demo is just as buggy as a Microsoft Keynote.

Half-good news: I’m now able to reproduce those strange bugs people have been having, so we are half-way through the fixing.


As usual, very informative video. Even if everything is in the manual and the settings dialog, it does make a difference to hear somebody explain a tip to you and show it as well. I should know, that’s the way it works with my students!
Just a question @anon41087856 by looking at your UI : what is the keyword to display the OpenCL state in the information line at the bottom. My OpenCL crashes quite often and I have to go in the settings to check the state, which is a bit cumbersome.
Thanks again!



Best regards,


Many thanks @DDHarriman

Aside from rebooting, is there a way to restart OpenCL when it does crash?

I don’t remember in which thread I read a solution which works for me (under linux, Ubuntu 18.04):

sudo modprobe -r nvidia_uvm && sudo modprobe nvidia_uvm

See also this thread for something similar.

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you are welcome.

darktable 3.4 new module : color calibration, get your Christmas lights back in gamut !


I was waiting patiently for this. Thank you :slight_smile:
Now I need time to wacht it!

Is it DT 3.4 or 3.3 that is going to be released this month?

3.3.0+xxx are development versions, 3.4.x will be the next release.