Hello everyone, I am new to pixls, and this is my contribution, to improve the edition in this type of photographs, I share this RAW to see your techniques and ways of revealing. If you have doubts, ask, greetings.
The screw is the name that has been given to this stone structure, created by the passage of time, is well known and is located in the natural park El Torcal, in Antequera.
Tornillo y el Cielo.PEF (19.8 MB) Tornillo y el Cielo.xmp (11.9 KB)
This file is licensed 
([Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/))
July 28, 2019, 6:01pm
Here’s a quick jpg-export (unedited) of the RAW
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This is my original edition, I hope to see your edits. regards
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July 28, 2019, 7:56pm
Thanks for the raw file. Never worked on a night shot with sky before. Don’t really know whats right and whats wrong.
Curious about other edits…
Tornillo y el Cielo.PEF.xmp (16.7 KB)
(Gustavo Adolfo)
July 29, 2019, 1:29am
Welcome, @Salvador_Calero , and thanks for sharing this nice image.
My take.
Tornillo y el Cielo.PEF.xmp (10.4 KB) (DT 2.7 - Not compatible with DT 2.6 and below)
Thank you so much for this gorgeous image!
Tornillo y el Cielo.PEF.xmp (18.5 KB)
Here a second version with some changes, especially in the color transition from the upper to thr lower sky.
Tornillo y el Cielo.PEF.xmp (18.5 KB)
July 29, 2019, 12:23pm
Tornillo y el Cielo.PEF.xmp (3.6 KB)
It was difficult to deduce the right white balance. I tried to get the color of the stone tower natural.
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I like your edition, congratulations
How cool, it really seems, I like it.
Thank you for sharing your vision of photography
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Interesting proposal, although to my liking the color temperature is very high, grateful
Fence, now I do not remember the WB I use, I think it was about 3500. You liked the edition very well.
July 29, 2019, 6:39pm
@Salvador_Calero Welcome to the forum!
It is an interesting image. It has a surreal graphic look to it. (None of the edits look “realistic” per se.)
Two suggestions
1 Edit your opening post to include your edit in post #3 . That way visitors can see a preview of your image in the #processing:playraw category.
2 It is our habit to license the raw file. Licensing helps us respect the author and also protect the community. See PlayRaw stuff to keep in mind .
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(Xavier Bartol)
July 29, 2019, 7:33pm
A different editing:
RT 5.6: Tornillo y el Cielo.png.out.pp3 (11.5 KB)
It’s interesting how hard the shadows are in this twilight image…
Beautiful photograph, there is not much to edit really.
Hello @afre I hope I made the changes correctly, tell me if it is correct or not to modify it, regards.
That is due to the reflection of the crescent moon, which helped me to light the stage, greetings
July 29, 2019, 9:40pm
Wonderful! Now we can see the beautiful preview. See:
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