[Capture Challenge] Charge your battery and take some photos

I was really surprised to not see any images here from the total lunar eclipse on Thursday night, so I’ll fill that gap. I recently picked up a new Sigma 100-400, and this was my first chance to do something with it, as well as my first time trying to “seriously” capture the moon. Lesson learned: even though the 100-400 is supposed to behave like a 150-600 equivalent on APS-C (the lens was ported from full frame land), it’s still puny for the moon mid-sky. And I wasn’t super happy with the focus I got (probably a me problem). Anyway.


I’ve been taking a lot of photos with the phone these days, but a trip to the NSW Coast was an opportunity to take the camera out and leave the phone in the pocket.

I’m also on a challenge keeping to the one prime - 20mm on the Olympus.

I won’t lie, it’s quite a challenge to stick with the one focal length, but also satisfyingly constrained.

All processed using darktable.


And this morning’s sunrise.

I gave the intentional camera movement (ICM as the cool kids say) go too… don’t mind the effect.

All photos Olympus with Lumix 20mm lens, processed in darktable - while watching the Australian F1. :slight_smile:


That’s definitely no birding lens, and yet you managed to capture some. Nice!

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On my 70D with a Sigma 120-400 and a 1.4x TC I get about 1000pixels on a moon diameter. This also means that the moon is moving at 8 pixels/second on the sensor so sets the lower exposure limit for a sharp image


Mario and Peppa Pig prepare for a serious race.


I just “measured” using the crop tool and found I was getting moon diameters about 870-900 px. No TC, because my lens is apparently not compatible with TCs on X-mount.

Something I hadn’t even thought about. Likely a part of my lack of sharpness. Thanks!


It moves quote fast, a full diameter in 2 minutes, so if you want under 1px of move blur, the longest exposure is 120/moon_diameter.


I’m a bit of a fan of Jame Popsys’s style and quite like having something more in the landscape images. Birds make for a handy point of interest in the frame.

Also getting used to just the 20mm (40mm FF Equiv) frame of view is challenging. :slight_smile:

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The cemetery at Logierait has some a Pictish stone, plus several interesting gravestones:

I am moderately satisfied with these, however I am going to post one of them as a “play raw”, to see if others can do better than I.


Found a jackpot location of Bald and Golden eagles and tried shooting them over two days…first time not great, lots of fuzzy images.
This last time I got much better results after changing some settings.
I’ve been shooting at manual focus for the last 7 months because my lens adapter doesn’t have the circuitry to drive the af motor…so I’ve cut back on wildlife photos.
But yesterday I put the body in burst mode, iso 400, and a min shutter speed of 1/800 and managed to capture some acceptable images.
Heavy crop and edited in dt 5.0. Using a max 200mm lens and subjects were over 60 ’ away.


Your pictures are very good, but I thought golden eagles were an Asian thing. ???

Thanks Tim, I’m only basing their identification on a quick search that identified both bald and golden eagles as being present in this part of North America.
If I’m wrong, it wouldn’t be the last time :+1::sweat_smile:

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I had to check (I don’t really trust “local” names, just compare the US robin with the UK robin :wink: ), but golden eagles are present in most of the Northern hemisphere. In Europe, mostly in mountainous areas (Alps, Cevennes, …)

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According to Wikipedia, it is “still” present in sizeable numbers in Eurasia, North America, and parts of north Africa. So, I was partly right, but mostly wrong. :neutral_face:

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So it might actually be the first time? Well done! :rofl:

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@luator I must confess that I overlooked your watch photo. Not the type of composition that certain watch photographers would like, but I do and that is what matters.

Particularly, I like motion blur of the second hand (do not correct me, @martbetz!). Shows the flow of time on the timepiece.

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Now this is the second hand of a second hand watch! (but I think that rather belongs to the other thread).

I agree with you, I have another shot exactly the same but a few seconds earlier without the hand in the frame. First, I wanted to use that, as the lettering is less occluded, but then discarded it, as it felt much more lifeless and boring in comparison.

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