@dqpcoxeas Colours are electric on my uncalibrated monitor to great effect.
A while back, I posted some images of Forth bridges.
We have just come back from a short cruise to Denmark and Norway that started at Rosyth, just outside Edinburgh. I managed to get some image of the bridges from a different angle, namely underneath. Happy to repost the raw images if anyone wants a play:
The clearance between the top of the funnel and the bridge seemed incredibly close.
I would have like a wider lens for this shot, but there was no time to change lenses before the patch of light underneath the bridge disappeared.
Some more from our cruise, these are from Oslo:
With this one, I wanted to get a Lowry-esque feel, not quite his stick men, but hopefully somewhat close.
The structure in the water in front of the Munch museum. Not fully convinced I have got this one right, I may post it in the Play Raw category.
Everybody wants to take a sauna while being driven around the harbour
Sunset on Red River
After more than seven (?) weeks with no measurable rain it finally rained today, at my house at least! Only 0.75" (19mm) but we’ll take it. Within an hour after the rain, the sun was shining again. After dinner, the clouds were starting to look good but I was running late. I only had time to drive across town to a “default” location rather than looking for something better (which in all honesty doesn’t exist anyway).
I just barely made it… Within literally five minutes of the first image, the light was gone and I was packing up to leave.
This is an “oxbow” dead-end arm of the Red River at Pineville, Louisiana. The composition isn’t anything to write home about, but it’s about all that’s available from that location.
I bracketed but ended up using the underexposed image without anything else. There’s a little noise in the shadows, but that looks better than the inevitable artifacts (given my minimal processing “skills”) that would’ve shown up if I had tried to composite several images, particularly considering all the silhouetted leaves in the shot. It was a bit of a challenge to balance the deep shadows and brighter sky in a realistic manner.
Canon T8i / 850D, Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC Macro, ART 1.20.1, Affinity Photo 2.21
Now that I’ve posted this, I think I’ll also post all three brackets as a PlayRaw if someone wants to take a stab at it.
Please do, it’s a great photograph
Thanks, and done!
@TonyBarrett gave us a nice picture of Dunnotar Castle, to which I responded with a moan about never being able to get a picture because of the haar .
Well, I managed to get some pictures, but I am still not happy. Yesterday we had a cloudless sky with the temperature into the mid-twenties. The castle is on the east coast, and the best time to take pictures is at sunrise, but this would mean that I would have to set off at 04:30 to get there.
So, here they are, taken in the afternoon with the sun directly behind me:
I took this shot in a hurry a few weeks ago, mainly as a reminder to come back and make a better shot in the future. The mosquitoes were turning me into a human pincushion, so I wasn’t taking a lot of time. About a week later, I was on a flight with my son, and he had saved some movies for offline viewing. We were watching the none-too-exciting “Awake” when I suddenly went “Hey, i was just there!”
The bridge doesn’t seem too concerned that it’s support is falling over. For those familiar with Toronto, it’s the Finch Ave. bailey bridge north of the zoo.
This is a very frustrating sport for photographers, because the kiteboarder and the kite/sail are quite far apart so you have to make choices.
Did a Snapshot the other day in the garden that came out rather nice. It has a certain pop that I quite like. Also it fits (per luck) the complementary color pattern.
Brittany’s climate has the reputation to be quite rainy, to which a famous Breton replied: “In Brittany it only rains on morons”. Now I know where they live: