I like to apply Stuart Sowerby’s Fuji Film Simulations to my Fujifilm raws. However, Fujifilm cameras provide several such film simulations, and it is tedious to manually choose them in Darktable for every picture I have taken.
Thus I wrote this lua plugin to automate the process:
The plugin works by reading the film simulation from the raw file’s EXIF data, and applying a style of an appropriate name. This works well, but it requires the user to have set up the appropriate styles before using the plugin.
Similarly, the plugin reads the aspect ration of the associated JPG file and applies an appropriate crop style, and reads the Fujifilm dynamic range setting and applies a matching DR style.
(Fun fact, this is more Fujifilm-specific adaptation than I have seen in any other raw developer. Yay for scripting interfaces!)
A better solution would modify the development parameters directly, by setting the appropriate LUT and modifying filmic’s contrast setting in the develop module, without going through a style.
Here’s my plea for help: Can a lua plugin affect such processing changes? If so, how?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!