I hope you enjoy editing this night shot. I think the raw data as such are not particularly challenging. It is more about keeping it to look like a night shot or just being creative Let’s see what you come up with.
Super shot @wocket and fun to play with. The sky is the obvious star of the show, but I really liked the reflected glow that was available from the boat in the foreground. I didn’t really do much with this, as it was pretty enjoyable as-is.
basics + tried to add a little color contrast in the oranges and the blues
In Gimp:
Boosted the reds on the “ground” and the blues in the sky and water using R and B channels in luminance mode and selecting locations with masks. Just adds a little magic!
I used the lab tool, hue, vs hue equalizer but you could also you the HSV tool. Look in which hue range the colors are and the spread that range, e.g. pull the oranges towards the red and the yellows towards the green.
Same for the sky, pull the blues towards thepink and the teal towards the green.
Depending on the image and how close the hues are to one another this works sometimes better and sometimes it doesn’t.
admittedly, for this image the effect was hardly visible.
But on some images it adds just a tad of something, though it is never something super apparent.