Hello there, attached is a shot that I thought was very interesting at the moment I pressed the shutter button, but upon review on my PC couldn’t inspire me at all.
What you see in this image is the south facing side of the mountain Falkert (exaclty in the middle), shot from the path to Moschelitzen. The wide angle plus a very low shooting position gave me an extreme amount of foreground.
@matejmarti Could you share what interested you? What I find interesting about it might be different from you; also, I wasn’t there to breathe in the scene .
That’s an interesting photo alright @matejmarti Very rich both texture and space distribution as tonality wise. I very much like the dark hill lurking over the rocks… if I want to be picky I’d say
a bit too centered ( I sound like Mica… in my head) needed of some diagonal tension… or a diplodocus =) Yeah tell us abit about the place or how you got there… @afre monsieur {tipping the hat}
PS @adm Download’s NOT working, tested in different browsers
I tried to accentuate the yellows in the foreground and ti raise contrast there.
Also the crop got rid of some of the foreground, which was just too much. The mountains I thought off as dividing line between foreground and sky.
used darktable to process raw mainly played with tone curve
then used gimp to add simple local contrast from gmic as overlay
masked out a bit of the rocks in the front from that as it was too busy
then croped to again reduce the rocks a bit and gives effect of zooming in on the farther scene
ja ajajaj jaaaj now I knowee whatcha du in the traffik lighties, whatcha watch edit. Gonna get me a bike and a smart phone and a dumb girlfriend… wait for the next sunset, reconnect my inner self with the broadband of hypstergoodness and by then I might feel you right eHH matey?!!
@matejmarti the 127th commandment say do not twist me words or shall you perish blame by cactus. Ands also I’d never say anything bad about Thomas… last time he ate my lemmings cousins.